  • La Grande Field Office
    3502 HWY 30 La Grande, OR 97850
  • The La Grande Field Office covers seven counties in eastern Oregon: Malheur, Baker, Grant, Union, Wallowa, Umatilla, and Morrow.

    Conservation is a dish best served locally, which is why the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has staff located throughout the state of Oregon to work with you, right where you live, to conserve wildlife and their habitats for future generations.

    Working Locally With You

    So what is it we actually do in eastern Oregon? While the projects are many, we can break things down into some larger categories:

    • Restoring and Maintaining Healthy Ecosystems
    • Species Recovery: for those already in danger
    • Species Conservation: to hopefully avoid becoming in danger
    • Partnerships

    How We Can Help

    The USFWS stays very busy in eastern Oregon, working with citizens, businesses, local governments, and environmental organizations on a number conservation activities, including:

    • Endangered Species Act Consultation
    • Conservation Education
    • Species Monitoring

    Species of Eastern Oregon

    From the iconic, to the sensitive, to the just plain interesting, we've highlighted some of the species with which we work most closely on the eastern Oregon — greater sage-grouse, bull trout, North American wolverine, Columbia spotted frog, and whitebark pine.

    Drop Us a Line

    If you live or work in this area and have questions, concerns, or projects pertaining to federally listed wildlife and their habitats, feel free to get in touch. Our staff is ready to help.

    Field Supervisor

    Marisa Meyer (541) 962-8597