  • Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office
    2600 Southeast 98th Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97266-1398
  • Portland is home to the headquarters of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office. While staff from this office travel throughout the state, we also focus on the Portland metro area and surrounding Willamette Valley from this location.

    Working Locally With You

    So what is it we actually do in the Willamette Valley? While the projects are many, we can break things down into some larger categories:

    • Restoring and Maintaining Healthy Ecosystems
    • Species Recovery: for those already in danger
    • Species Conservation: to hopefully avoid becoming in danger
    • Partnerships

    How We Can Help

    The USFWS stays very busy in the Willamette Valley, working with citizens, businesses, local governments, and environmental organizations on a number conservation activities, including:

    • Endangered Species Act Consultation
    • Environmental Education
    • Fish Passage
    • Habitat Conservation Plans
    • Energy Projects
    • Urban Conservation

    Drop Us a Line

    If you live or work in this area and have questions, concerns, or projects pertaining to federally listed wildlife and their habitats, feel free to get in touch. Our staff is ready to help.

    State Supervisor 

    Kessina Lee - (503) 231-6179

    Office Hours
    Monday - Thursday
    8:00 am - 4:00 pm
    8:00 am - 3:30 pm
    Saturday and Sunday