  • Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office
    10950 Tyler Road Red Bluff, CA 96080-7762
  • We are located at:

    10950 Tyler Road
    Red Bluff, California 96080
    Phone 530-527-3043

    Southbound on I-5 from Redding:
    1. Exit South Main St. (5th exit)
    2. Right on South Main St. (Turns into Hwy. 99)
    3. Approximately 2 1/2 miles, turn left on Tyler Road
    4. Follow for 3 1/2 miles, RBFWO on the left

    Northbound from Sacramento on I-5
    1. Exit South Main St. (1st exit)
    2. Veer right onto South Main St. (Turns into Hwy. 99)
    3. Approximately 2 1/2 miles, turn left on Tyler Road.
    4. Follow for 3 1/2 miles, RBFWO on the left