What We Do

We work closely with partners to conserve species and their habitat through a variety of programs and partnerships, including:

Tools for Private Landowners, Non-Federal Landowners, States and Tribes
It is estimated that two-thirds of our nation's lands are privately owned. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recognizes that the key to ensuring healthy fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats rests in the hands of private landowners. Learn more about the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.

Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is a proud partner in the Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership, to help connect urban dwellers with nature, inspire stewardship of our shared watershed, and improve habitat and water quality.

Our Services

We offer a handful of services to support plant, fish, and wildlife conservation in Washington State - especially federal threatened or endangered species. Different services are tailored to different groups and situations, so if you want to proactively support imperiled species conservation on your property or if you wonder how federally-protected plants and animals may factor into your situation, explore the services we offer.

Our Projects and Research

We use science and innovative technology to drive our management and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic resources. Collaboratively with partners, we seek to effectively meet today’s complex conservation challenges. Learn about a few key projects below.