Visit Us
Ouray National Fish Hatchery is located on the Ouray National Wildlife Refuge 35.5 miles (57 km) southwest of Vernal, Utah.
Location and Contact Information
- Ouray National Fish Hatchery21000 East Wildlife Refuge Road Randlett, UT 84063
About Us
Ouray National Fish Hatchery is a proud partner of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. The hatchery administrative office is located in a Fisheries building shared with the Green River Basin Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, Utah Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, and Jones Hole National Fish Hatchery in Vernal, Utah.
What We Do
Thanks to the efforts of the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program and the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program, razorback sucker numbers are increasing in the wild. In 2012, Ouray National Fish Hatchery also began producing bonytail for stocking. Ouray National Fish Hatchery also has been part of an effort to take some of the endangered Desolation Canyon humpback chub into captivity to preserve adequate genetic diversity.