2023 State Aquatic Species Distribution

USFWS and the Washoe Tribe partnered to stock Lake Tahoe with Lahontan cutthroat trout. Lake Tahoe is part of the historic range of the threatened species. Credit: Jackie D'Almeida/USFWS

In 2023 the National Fish Hatchery System raised and stocked more than 126 million fish and aquatic wildlife for conservation! 

For more than 150 years, national fish hatcheries have been raising fish and aquatic wildlife to improve sustainable recreational fishing, support fisheries that have been impacted by a federal dam, recover federally listed threatened or endangered species, fulfil our Tribal Trust responsibilities, and prevent at-risk species from becoming endangered.

Recreational and Subsistence Fish Stocking Program 

Many states and Tribes rely on the National Fish Hatchery System to stock lakes and rivers with fish for sustainable recreational fishing and to support fisheries that have been impacted by a federal dam. In 2023, national fish hatcheries raised 118 million sport fish to support recreational fisheries. 

The Fish and Aquatic Conservation program partners with Tribes to stock fish in Tribal waters and provide technical assistance for fish and wildlife resource management needs and on Tribal lands. We pursue these collaborative management efforts not just to fulfill our Tribal Trust responsibilities and to promote sustainable management of important Tribal fisheries and wildlife, but also to ensure the benefits of resource conservation are accessible to everyone. In 2023, national fish hatcheries distributed 20 million fish to Tribal lands and stocked 57 Tribal Reservations, Pueblos, and other Native American communities with fish for recreational and subsistence purposes. 

Economic Impact of Boating and Fishing

Fishing and boating fund conservation, support local economies, and improve the physical, psychological, and social health of everyone. According to the 2022 National Survey of Hunting and Fishing, fishing and boating are an important cultural and economic driver across the country. 

  • 39.9 - Million people over 16 went fishing
  • $99.4 - Billion spent by anglers on fishing-related expenses

Learn more about our fish stocking and distributions

Jump to a State

Alabama | Arkansas | Arizona | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Iowa | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Massachusetts | Maryland | Maine | Michigan | Minnesota | Missouri | Mississippi | Montana | North Carolina | North Dakota | Nebraska | New Hampshire | New Mexico | Nevada | New York | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Vermont | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming 

About the Data: 

The following tables represent all fish and aquatic wildlife that were stocked or released into each state in coordination with state, Tribal, or federal wildlife managers in Fiscal Year 2023. It in include all taxonomic groups, species including Distinct Population Segments (DPS) and Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESU), and all life stages (adults, juveniles, and eggs). 

These figures do not include eggs that were raised as part of the National Broodstock Program or aquatic wildlife that were raised and transferred to another facility (for example fish eggs that are grown at a brood stock hatchery and then transferred to a state facility to be hatched and released.) For a full list of species released and transferred by facility, please visit our 2023 Distribution Report.

This is not an authoritative data set. Data is updated periodically and may not always include the most recent information. All data is accurate as of August 2024. 

Alabama Species Distribution

Species distributed in Alabama by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered2,477
Gopher FrogNot Listed250
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed23,673
Striped BassNot Listed75,584
Striped Bass HybridNot Listed49,249

Arkansas Species Distribution

Species distributed in Arkansas by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Alligator GarNot Listed97
BluegillNot Listed120,946
Brook TroutNot Listed14,360
Brown TroutNot Listed80,622
Channel CatfishNot Listed41,330
Golden ShinerNot Listed111,902
Largemouth BassNot Listed5,347
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed1,061,099
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed196,680
WalleyeNot Listed8,990

Arizona Species Distribution

Species distributed in Arizona by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered1,662
Razorback SuckerEndangered8,644
Brook TroutNot Listed3,905
Brown TroutNot Listed10,000
Channel CatfishNot Listed41,384
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed295,356
Apache TroutThreatened39,101
Gila TroutThreatened3,492
Razorback Sucker

California Species Distribution

Species distributed in California by the National Fish Hatchery System

Species distributed in California by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered1,863
Chinook Salmon - Sacramento River Winter-Run EsuEndangered906,875
Lost River SuckerEndangered14,973
Razorback SuckerEndangered1,431
(0) Multiple SpeciesNot Listed4,407
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed15,405,124
Lahontan Cutthroat TroutThreatened86,919
Steelhead - California Central Valley DpsThreatened614,702

Colorado Species Distribution

Species distributed in Colorado by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered10,565
Razorback SuckerEndangered5,903
Colorado River Cutthroat TroutNot Listed36,413
Cutthroat TroutNot Listed48,457
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed369,601
Greenback Cutthroat TroutThreatened300

Connecticut Species Distribution

Species distributed in Connecticut by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brook TroutNot Listed584
Lake TroutNot Listed430
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed209

Florida Species Distribution

Species distributed in Florida by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Florida Grasshopper SparrowEndangered32
BluegillNot Listed5,875
BowfinNot Listed83
Channel CatfishNot Listed6,989
Redear SunfishNot Listed2,322
Striped BassNot Listed544,770
Sunshine BassNot Listed18,036
Total --578,107

Georgia Species Distribution

Species distributed in Georgia by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brook TroutNot Listed15,924
Brown TroutNot Listed38,836
Channel CatfishNot Listed1,229
Gopher FrogNot Listed3,102
Lake SturgeonNot Listed19,725
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed172,012
Gopher TortoiseThreatened37
Total-- 250,865

Iowa Species Distribution

Species distributed in Iowa by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Higgins' Eye PearlymusselEndangered263,298
Pallid SturgeonEndangered147,847
Black CrappieNot Listed56,302
Black SandshellNot Listed30
BluegillNot Listed94,939
Giant FloaterNot Listed2
HickorynutNot Listed2
Largemouth BassNot Listed486
LilliputNot Listed25
Smallmouth BassNot Listed3,158
WalleyeNot Listed1,049,352
WashboardNot Listed3
Yellow PerchNot Listed275,810
Yellow SandshellNot Listed1

Idaho Species Distribution

Species distributed in Idaho by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed669,414
WalleyeNot Listed1,500,000
Yellowstone Cutthroat TroutNot Listed116,040
Total --2,285,454

Illinois Species Distribution

Species distributed in Illinois by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Lake TroutNot Listed121,259
Largemouth BassNot Listed21,723
Smallmouth BassNot Listed11,600
Striped BassNot Listed68,847

Indiana Species Distribution

Species distributed in Indiana by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brown TroutNot Listed3,000
Smallmouth BassNot Listed12,648
WalleyeNot Listed12,296
Total --27,944
American Paddlefish

Kansas Species Distribution

Species distributed in Kansas by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Neosho MucketEndangered1,363
American PaddlefishNot Listed1,772
Total --3,135

Kentucky Species Distribution

Species distributed in Kentucky by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonneville Cutthroat TroutNot Listed950
Brook TroutNot Listed1,375
Brown TroutNot Listed71,903
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed721,715
Total --795,943

Louisiana Species Distribution

Species distributed in Louisiana by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Alligator GarNot Listed186
Alligator Snapping TurtleNot Listed22
Channel CatfishNot Listed700
Largemouth BassNot Listed304,701
Striped Bass HybridNot Listed64,700
Total --370,309

Massachusetts Species Distribution

Species distributed in Massachusetts by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American ShadNot Listed5,699,205
Brook TroutNot Listed8,283
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed2,731

Maryland Species Distribution

Species distributed in Maryland by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed14,500
Total --14,500

Maine Species Distribution

Species distributed in Maine by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Atlantic Salmon, Gom DpsEndangered2,130,904
Total --2,130,904

Michigan Species Distribution

Species distributed in Michigan by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brook TroutNot Listed5,500
Lake HerringNot Listed1,108,770
Lake SturgeonNot Listed1,234
Lake TroutNot Listed3,037,994
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed500
Total --4,153,998

Minnesota Species Distribution

Species distributed in Minnesota by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brook TroutNot Listed44,231
Lake SturgeonNot Listed16,068
WalleyeNot Listed198

Missouri Species Distribution

Species distributed in Missouri by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Pallid SturgeonEndangered676
Topeka ShinerEndangered700
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed228,009

Mississippi Species Distribution

Species distributed in Mississippi by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
BluegillNot Listed625,569
Channel CatfishNot Listed224,867
Redear SunfishNot Listed473,482
Striped BassNot Listed103,474
WalleyeNot Listed500
Pearl DarterThreatened39

Montana Species Distribution

Species distributed in Montana by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Pallid SturgeonEndangered39
Arctic GraylingNot Listed4,540
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed675,905
Westslope Cutthroat TroutNot Listed265,976

North Carolina Species Distribution

Species distributed in North Carolina by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Cape Fear ShinerEndangered551
BluegillNot Listed16,957
Bluehead ChubNot Listed20
Gopher FrogNot Listed465
Lake SturgeonNot Listed1,580
Sicklefin RedhorseNot Listed17,157
Striped BassNot Listed269,979
White ShinerNot Listed200

North Dakota Species Distribution

Species distributed in North Dakota by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Brown TroutNot Listed21,491
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed376,620
Lake SturgeonNot Listed1,000
Northern PikeNot Listed300,740
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed62,191
WalleyeNot Listed18,406,721
Northern Pike

Nebraska Species Distribution

Species distributed in Nebraska by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Pallid SturgeonEndangered453
WalleyeNot Listed300,000

New Hampshire Species Distribution

Species distributed in New Hampshire by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American ShadNot Listed2,367,831
 Total --2,367,831

New Mexico Species Distribution

Species distributed in New Mexico by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Colorado PikeminnowEndangered8,511
Razorback SuckerEndangered3,214
Rio Grande Silvery MinnowEndangered75,314
Brown TroutNot Listed7,413
Channel CatfishNot Listed15,644
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed229,876
Gila TroutThreatened9,290
Total --349,262

Nevada Species Distribution

Species distributed in Nevada by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered1,080
Razorback SuckerEndangered756
WalleyeNot Listed1,700,000
Lahontan Cutthroat TroutThreatened251,366
Total --1,953,202

New York Species Distribution

Species distributed in New York by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Atlantic SalmonNot Listed261,247
BloaterNot Listed144,192
Lake SturgeonNot Listed31,456
Lake TroutNot Listed403,093
Total --839,988

Ohio Species Distribution

Species distributed in Ohio by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Lake SturgeonNot Listed1,500
Total --1,500

Oklahoma Species Distribution

Species distributed in Oklahoma by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Alligator GarNot Listed36,166
Brown TroutNot Listed14,373
Channel CatfishNot Listed10,491
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed202,146
Total --263,176

Oregon Species Distribution

Species distributed in Oregon by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Lost River SuckerEndangered9,802
Short-Nose SuckerEndangered7,759
(0) Multiple SpeciesNot Listed3,296
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed149,321
Coho Salmon Or Silver SalmonNot Listed354,822
Total --525,000

Pennsylvania Species Distribution

Species distributed in Pennsylvania by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Lake TroutNot Listed269,624
Total --269,624

Rhode Island Species Distribution

Species distributed in Rhode Island by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American ShadNot Listed1,034,872
Total --1,034,872

South Carolina Species Distribution

Species distributed in South Carolina by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American ShadNot Listed6,031,360
BluegillNot Listed155,014
Gopher FrogNot Listed1,047
Red DrumNot Listed89,954
Redbreast SunfishNot Listed47,588
Striped BassNot Listed212,463
Total --6,537,426

South Dakota Species Distribution

Species distributed in South Dakota by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American PaddlefishNot Listed37,151
Black CrappieNot Listed185
BluegillNot Listed6,670
Brown TroutNot Listed560
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed58,743
Largemouth BassNot Listed1,610
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed7,614
WalleyeNot Listed7,706,819
Yellow PerchNot Listed10,836
Total --7,830,188

Tennessee Species Distribution

Species distributed in Tennessee by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Alligator GarNot Listed5,928
Brook TroutNot Listed50
Brown TroutNot Listed203,658
Lake SturgeonNot Listed24,935
Lake TroutNot Listed149,740
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed708,702
Total --1,093,013

Texas Species Distribution

Species distributed in Texas by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
American PaddlefishNot Listed22,106
Channel CatfishNot Listed130,664
Total --152,770

Utah Species Distribution

Species distributed in Utah by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Bonytail ChubEndangered7,803
Colorado PikeminnowEndangered550,741
Razorback SuckerEndangered9,002
Bonneville Cutthroat TroutNot Listed291,329
Tiger TroutNot Listed1,880
Total --867,832

Virginia Species Distribution

Species distributed in Virginia by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
AlewifeNot Listed320,000
Alewife FloaterNot Listed3,009
Blueback HerringNot Listed20,000
Brook Floater MusselNot Listed71
Eastern ElliptioNot Listed389
Green FloaterNot Listed903
Total --344,372

Vermont Species Distribution

Species distributed in Vermont by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Atlantic SalmonNot Listed73,054
Brook TroutNot Listed28,750
Lake TroutNot Listed6,732
Total --108,536

Washington Species Distribution

Species distributed in Washington by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Chinook Salmon - Upper Columbia River Spring Run EsuEndangered343,570
Chinook Salmon Or King SalmonNot Listed12,194,631
Chum SalmonNot Listed2,309,441
Coho Salmon Or Silver SalmonNot Listed2,508,704
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed408,238
Chinook Salmon - Lower Columbia River EsuThreatened9,778,271
Steelhead - Upper Columbia River DpsThreatened178,243
Total --27,721,098

Wisconsin Species Distribution

Species distributed in Wisconsin by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Winged MapleleafEndangered9,926
Black CrappieNot Listed70,382
BluegillNot Listed311,636
Brook TroutNot Listed678
Channel CatfishNot Listed230
Fathead MinnowNot Listed7,226,529
Lake SturgeonNot Listed2,580
Lake TroutNot Listed58,154
Largemouth BassNot Listed627
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed21,322
WalleyeNot Listed4,760,558
Yellow PerchNot Listed112,360
Total --12,574,982

Wyoming Species Distribution

Species distributed in Wyoming by the National Fish Hatchery System
Species common nameSpecies listing statusTotal
Wyoming ToadEndangered11,707
Bonneville Cutthroat TroutNot Listed181,714
Brown TroutNot Listed3,160
Rainbow, Steelhead, Redband TroutNot Listed112,404
Sockeye Salmon, KokaneeNot Listed296,100
Tiger TroutNot Listed7,631
WalleyeNot Listed835,765
Yellowstone Cutthroat TroutNot Listed34,258
Total --1,482,739