Nowitna Wild and Scenic River

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (here after referred to as “we”) manages the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River which flows through the Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge. The Nowitna Wild and Scenic River is one of many exceptional rivers that have been designated for protection by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Wild and Scenic Rivers
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 established the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and authorizes Congress to preserve certain rivers with outstanding natural, cultural and recreational values in a free-flowing condition for the enjoyment of present and future generations. The act is notable for safeguarding the special character of these rivers, while also recognizing the potential for their appropriate use and development. The act encourages river management that crosses political boundaries and promotes public participation in developing goals for river protection.

Learn more about Wild and Scenic Rivers
Act.  We are required by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to develop a comprehensive river management plan to protect the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River’s important values (free-flowing condition, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values). 

Environmental Assessment Process

The National Environmental Policy Act requires federal agencies to incorporate environmental considerations into their planning and decision making. It also requires federal agencies to assess the environmental impacts of and alternatives to their proposed major federal actions prior to making any decisions. These can be done through an environmental assessment.

We prepared an environmental assessment of our proposal to adopt and implement a comprehensive river management plan for the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River. The development of a comprehensive river management plan that protects the river’s unique features is required by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The need for a management plan is also driven by observed rapid changes in the natural environment and aims to provide a strategy for monitoring and responding to these changes. The Nowitna Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan that we are proposing to adopt is provided as an appendix in the environmental assessment. 

Environmental Assessment (Draft)

  • Alternative A (no action alternative) - Under this alternative no comprehensive river management plan would be developed, and current management of the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River would continue without changes.
  • Alternative B (preferred action alternative) – Under this alternative management of the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River would be guided by a comprehensive river management plan which protects river values and provides strategies for monitoring addressing potential issues.

Comprehensive River Management Plan 

The comprehensive river management plan contains management direction, management actions, and monitoring strategies that would be implemented to protect and enhance the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River values (free-flowing condition, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values). This document is found in Appendix A of the environmental assessment.

Additional Information

The following documents provide more information about the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River and were used in development of the draft Environmental Assessment and Comprehensive River Management Plan.

Timeline for Public Input Opportunities

Month and YearEA Project Milestones
July 2023Public Scoping (30 days)
October 2024Draft EA available for public comment period (30 days)
December 2024Final EA published
January 2025Record of Decision


Contact for more information.

Cooperating Agencies 

State of Alaska 
Bureau of Indian Affairs 

Still water providing a mirror image of the clouds and blue sky above with vegetation on both left and right banks of the water with mountains on the horizon.
Winding across the refuge, the Nowitna River forms a broad floodplain that comes alive each spring with the arrival of thousands of migratory songbirds and waterfowl. The river passes through a scenic 15 mile canyon with peaks up to 2,100 feet. Whether you come to fish, hunt, or just enjoy the...