Nowitna Wild and Scenic River
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (here after referred to as “we”) manages the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River which flows through the Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge. The Nowitna Wild and Scenic River is one of many exceptional rivers that have been designated for protection by the Act. We are required by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to develop a comprehensive river management plan to protect the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River’s important values (free-flowing condition, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values).
Environmental Assessment Process
The National Environmental Policy Act requires federal agencies to incorporate environmental considerations into their planning and decision making. It also requires federal agencies to assess the environmental impacts of and alternatives to their proposed major federal actions prior to making any decisions. These can be done through an environmental assessment.
We prepared an environmental assessment of our proposal to adopt and implement a comprehensive river management plan for the Nowitna Wild and Scenic River. The development of a comprehensive river management plan that protects the river’s unique features is required by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The need for a management plan is also driven by observed rapid changes in the natural environment and aims to provide a strategy for monitoring and responding to these changes. The Nowitna Wild and Scenic River Comprehensive River Management Plan that we are proposing to adopt is provided as an appendix in the environmental assessment.