Special Emphasis Programs

062 FW 2
FWM Number
Originating Office
Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management

2.1 Special Emphasis Programs.

A. Special Emphasis Programs were established to address the needs of individuals which were not being adequately met under existing Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Programs. There are currently three Govermentwide programs: Federal Women's Program (FWP), Hispanic Employment Program (HEP) and Individuals with Disabilities Program. Special Emphasis Programs for other protected groups may be established within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service). Program managers for each special emphasis program are designated by the Assistant Regional Director - Human Resources (ARD) or Human Resources Officer - Headquarters (HRO-HQ).

B. The Service's Office for Human Resources (OHR) develops policy guidelines and sets minimum standards for the Service by which the Regional and Headquarters programs will be administered.

2.2 Federal Women's Program.

A. Program Responsibilities. The overall objective of the FWP is to ensure that women have an equal opportunity to compete fairly in all aspects of Federal employment and at all levels, i.e., recruitment, training, upward mobility, career counseling, developmental details, promotions, retention, etc.

B. The FWP manager identifies discriminatory practices and barriers to the employment and advancement of female employees and applicants for employment and recommends methods to remove barriers and change employment practices. In addition, the FWP manager ensures that Service policies, procedures and regulations do not adversely impact personnel policies and all regulations that affect the employment and advancement of women.

C. Accountability. The Director and all Service managers and supervisors, including the Chief, Office for Human Resources, ARDs-HR, HRO-HQ, Personnel officer, and FWP managers are responsible for compliance with Service FWP guidelines.

2.3 Hispanic Employment Program.

A. Program Responsibilities. The objective of the HEP is to ensure that Hispanics have an equal opportunity to compete fairly in all aspects of Federal employment (i.e., recruitment, training, upward mobility, career counseling, developmental details, promotions, and retention, etc.).

B. The HEP manager identifies discriminatory practices and barriers to the employment and advancement of Hispanic employees and applicants for employment and recommends methods to remove barriers and change practices in employment. In addition, the HEP manager ensures that Service policies, procedures, and regulations do not adversely impact personnel policies and all regulations that affect the employment and advancement of Hispanics.

C. Accountability. The Director and all Service managers and supervisors, including the Chief, Office for Human Resources, ARDs-HR, HRO-HQ, Personnel officer, and HEP managers are responsible for complying with HEP Program guidelines.

2.4 Individuals with Disabilities Program.

A. Program Responsibilities. Federal agencies are required to provide employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, with or without accommodations. When accommodating a person with a disability, jobs can be modified or restructured, but the grade controlling factors of the position cannot be altered. Accommodating devices are frequently inexpensive and often benefit able-bodied employees (i.e., electronic door openers). Managers and supervisors must review requests for reasonable accommodations with their respective Human Resources Office.

In addition, managers, supervisors, ARDs-HR, HRO-HQ, Personnel Officers and Individuals with Disabilities Program Managers assure that extensive recruitment occurs with universities and organizations specializing in working with persons with disabilities to hire individuals with targeted and non-targeted disabilities.

B. The Program Manager identifies discriminatory practices and barriers to the employment and advancement of disabled employees and applicants for employment and recommends methods to remove barriers and change practices in employment. In addition, the Program Manager ensures that Service policies, procedures, and regulations do not adversely impact personnel policies and all regulations that affect the employment and advancement of employees and applicants with disabilities.

C. Accountability. The Director and all Service managers and supervisors, including the Chief, Office for Human Resources, ARDs-HR, HRO-HQ, Personnel officer, and Individuals with Disabilities Program managers are responsible for complying with Program guidelines.

D. Reports. The Affirmative Action Program Plan for Hiring, Placement and Advancement of People with Disabilities (RO62-2A), the Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program Plan Certification and Accomplishment Report (RO62-2B) are prepared annually by the Headquarters and Regional Offices for Human Resources and submitted to the OEO.

2.5 Other Special Emphasis Activities.

A. The Service has established additional Service specific activities to assist in diversifying its workforce:

(1) Career Awareness Institute is a partnership program between the Service, the National Biological Service and a university, the primary focus of which is to provide undergraduate college students with an awareness and appreciation of the field of fish and wildlife biology and natural resources management. The program consists of a three-week academic phase and a minimum of six weeks of work experience with wildlife college credits awarded for the program.

(2) American Indian Science Camps sponsored by the Service are held on Federal and State lands in partnership with universities, State Natural Resources Department and/or Native American organizations to provide Native American high school students with cultural awareness training and education in the natural resources fields. The science camps include work projects, field trips, classroom instructions and interaction with natural resources professionals.

B. The Service may participate in and/or establish other activities for purpose of diversifying the workforce as deemed necessary.