Corporate Master Table (CMT) Requirements

260 FW 14
FWM Number
Originating Office
Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics


Topics Sections 

14.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? 

14.2 What is the scope of this chapter? 

14.3 What is the authority for this chapter? 

14.4 What is the Corporate Master Table (CMT), and what is the overall Service policy on the CMT? 

14.5 What terms do you need to know to understand this chapter? 

RESPONSIBILITIES14.6 What are the responsibilities for maintaining the CMT? 
CMT BASICS14.7 What data elements are included in the CMT?

14.8 When is congressional approval required?

14.9 How do employees request an addition, change, or deletion in the CMT?


14.10 How do employees complete the CMT table annual validation?

14.11 What must be reviewed during the annual validation process?


14.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter provides policy and procedures for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) employees who are responsible for maintaining the Corporate Master Table (CMT).

14.2 What is the scope of this chapter? This chapter applies to all Service employees involved with the CMT.

14.3 What is the authority for this chapter? Our authority for this chapter is 101 Department of the Interior (Department) Manual (DM) 1-3, Organization Management.

14.4 What is the CMT, and what is the overall Service policy on the CMT?

A. Definition: The CMT is the official source of Service organization codes and related information. Information in the CMT includes, but is not limited to, organization codes; Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) cost center codes; organization names and abbreviations; fire unit identifiers; ecosystems; program names; mailing and physical/shipping addresses; telephone numbers; Teletypewriter (TTY) and fax numbers; and States, counties, and congressional districts.

B. Overall policy:

(1) The CMT is our official source of organization codes and related information.

(2) We must maintain accurate data in the CMT.

(3) CMT data must be used when publishing or sharing Service data with internal and external customers.

(4) Any changes Service programs or Regions make to the CMT must be in accordance with the Procedures to Obtain Approval on Organizational Changes SharePoint site.

14.5 What terms do you need to know to understand this chapter? 

A. Congressional districts are the areas from which Members are elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in the States that, in the CMT, include a Service organization. We base congressional districts on the physical address of the Service organization only. For example, a National Wildlife Refuge that is geographically located in two different States and that occupies at least two different congressional districts must have only the associated district selected for the physical address in the CMT.

B. Cost center is an organizational unit within a controlling area of the Service used to accumulate and report costs in FBMS for a specific location or entity. It can also be used to describe a 10-digit code assigned to an organization.

C. Counties or other similar entities (e.g., parishes, boroughs) are political and administrative divisions of States that provide local government services. In the CMT, the value selected for the “county” field should represent the county or entity where the physical address of the Service organization is located. For example, a National Wildlife Refuge that is geographically located in two different States and that occupies at least two different counties, must have only the associated county selected for the physical address in the CMT.

D. Ecosystems, in the CMT, are the values employees should select to represent the ecosystem unit boundary(s) that include or encompass the organization. The organization may be geographically located within a single ecosystem unit boundary or extend across two or more ecosystem unit boundaries.

(1) The Service data standard for “ecosystem unit boundary” specifies that employees should only assign the "Not Applicable (00)” designation to Service organizations that do not have an ecosystem association, such as the Regional Director or Regional administration offices.

(2) This should also apply to offices that are administered by one Region, but are geographically located in another Region (e.g., a Headquarters office located in Lakewood, Colorado).

E. Geo names, in the CMT, are areas employees select that represent the geographic area boundary(s) that include or encompass the organization (e.g., Columbia Basin Ecoregion, Northern Alaska, etc.). An organization may be geographically located within a single geographic area or extend across two or more geographic areas.

(1) The Service data standard for “geographic area name” specifies that employees should only assign the "Not Applicable (00)" designation to Service organizations that do not have a geographic area association, such as the Service Director, Headquarters administration offices, Regional Directorate, and Regional administration offices.

(2) This should also apply to offices that are administered by one Region, but are geographically located in another Region, such as the Clark R. Bavin National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory in Ashland, Oregon and the National Eagle and Wildlife Property Repository in Commerce City, Colorado.


14.6 What are the responsibilities for maintaining the CMT? See Table 14-1.

 Table 14-1: Responsibilities for Maintaining the Corporate Master Table

These employees…Are responsible for…
A. The DirectorApproving or declining to approve Servicewide policy.
B. Assistant Director –  Management and Administration (i.e., Associate Chief Financial Officer)Ensuring that all proposed changes comply with Governmentwide and Departmental policies and follow sound organization theory, position management, space and facilities guidelines, and other established requirements.
C. Assistant Director – Information Resources and Technology Management (i.e., Associate Chief Information Officer (ACIO)), through appropriate staff

(1) Maintaining organization name abbreviations,

(2) Maintaining CMT hardware and software, and

(3) Serving as the Data Custodian for the CMT.

D. Joint Administrative Operations (JAO), Headquarters (HQ), Budget and Performance Division ChiefDetermining if an organizational change requires congressional notification and approval.
E. Chiefs, Division of Realty and Division of Budget, Performance, and Workforce, National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS)

(1) Maintaining the Literal Code (LIT), and

(2) Reviewing CMT data for LIT accuracy.

F. JAO, Administrative Operations Center (AOC), Financial Operations Division ChiefMaintaining the official organization codes, including the higher management (report to) organization codes, FBMS cost centers, and organization names.
G. JAO, AOC, Financial Systems Support Branch Chief

(1) Creating new, retiring, and modifying organization codes, names, and FBMS cost center codes;

(2) Notifying the System Administrator (i.e., ACIO) whenever an organization’s ORGCODE or ORGNAME is added, deleted, or modified in the CMT (also see section 14.7);

(3) Tracking usage and monitoring verification of information in the CMT; and

(4) Creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts and all data fields within the CMT.

H. NWRS Fire Management Branch ChiefMaintaining fire unit identifiers.
I. HQ/Regional offices, field stations

(1) Reviewing CMT information for their offices and field stations (e.g., addresses, telephone and fax numbers, ecosystems, latitude and longitude, congressional districts, etc.), and

(2) Providing the necessary information and coordinating CMT actions with appropriate administrative support organizations.


14.7 What data elements are included in the CMT? See Table 14-2.

 Table 14-2: CMT Data Elements

Data ElementCMT FieldDescription
FBMS Cost Center CodeCOSTCENTEROfficial 10-digit alphanumeric cost center code that represents detailed organizational structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.

Learn more about structure
, capturing spending and expense information in FBMS.
Report to Organization CodeRPTORGCODEOfficial 5-digit numeric organization code of the next higher management organization to which another Service organization directly reports.
Organization CodeORGCODEOfficial 5-digit numeric code assigned to a Service organization where personnel are assigned, to all unstaffed land management units, or to meet an administrative requirement.
Organization NameORGNAMEOfficial identifying name of a Service organization that has been assigned an official 5-digit numeric organization code.
Organization Name AbbreviationORGNAMEABBRAbbreviation used for the official identifying name of a Service organization that has been assigned an official 5-digit numeric organization code.
Literal CodeLITUnique 3-character alpha codes assigned by HQ Division of Realty that identify the organizational units, areas, and project sites on Service-owned lands. We use these codes to cross-reference funding with individual land units.
Fire Unit IdentifierFIREUNITIDUnique 7-character code assigned by the Geographic Area Fire Coordination Centers to identify a Service organizational unit responsible for managing fire-related incidents or projects and providing resources and logistical services to the wildland fire community.
Region NumberREGIONUnique 1-digit numeric code assigned to Regional offices within the Service that have responsibility for program or administrative activities within a geographically defined area.
Ecosystem Unit NameECOSYSTEMOfficial names the Service uses to identify the ecosystem unit boundaries of the United States.
Ecosystem Unit NumberECONUM2-digit numeric codes that represent the ecosystem unit boundaries of the United States.
Geographic Area NameGEONAMEOfficial names used to identify the geographic areas the Service created to support and implement the ecosystem approach to fish and wildlife conservation.
Program NamePROGRAMOfficial names that identify the primary operating programs and basic organizational structure of the Service.
Program AcronymPROGACROAcronyms for the primary operating programs of the Service.
Organization TypeORGTYPETitle that defines the type of organization by its primary facility functions or specialized duties and responsibilities.
Organization Type AcronymORGTYPEACROAcronyms for organizational titles that define the organization type.
Mailing Address (Lines 1 and 2)



The mail delivery address portion of the organization's mailing address, which can be a street address, post office box number, rural route number and box number, or highway contract number and box number, with a building, room, or suite number.
Post Office (City)MAILCITYThe U.S. Post Office (city) portion of the organization's mailing address.
State AbbreviationMAILSTATEABBR2-letter Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) alphabetic code used as the State abbreviation in the organization's mailing address.
Zip CodeMAILZIP5-digit ZIP code for the organization's geographic delivery area.
Zip4 ExtensionMAILZIP44-digit ZIP code extension of the organization's mailing address.
Physical Address (Lines 1 and 2)



The street address portion of the organization's physical (shipping) address, which may be the same as the mailing address.
City NamePHYSCITYThe city portion of the organization's physical (shipping) address.
State AbbreviationPHYSSTATEABBR2-letter FIPS alphabetic code used as the State abbreviation in the organization's physical (shipping) address.
Zip CodePHYSZIP5-digit ZIP code for the organization's physical (shipping) address.
Zip4 ExtensionPHYSZIP44-digit ZIP code extension for the organization's physical (shipping) address.
Area CodeAREACODE3-digit area code for the organization's primary telephone number.
Telephone NumberTELEPHONEPrimary telephone number of the organization.
Facsimile Area CodeFAXAREA3-digit area code for the organization's facsimile number.
Facsimile NumberFAXNUMFacsimile number of the organization.
Teletypewriter Area CodeTTYAREA3-digit area code for the organization's TTY number.
Teletypewriter NumberTTYNUMTTY number of the organization for the non-verbal.
Relay Area CodeRELAYAREA3-digit area code for the organization's relay number.
Relay NumberRELAYNUMRelay number of the organization for the non-verbal.
Web URLWEBURLWeb address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the organization.
EmailEMAILContact email address of the organization.
LatitudeLATOne of two coordinate values, in decimal degree format, that define a point on a map that can be used to show the approximate location of the organization.
LongitudeLONGOne of two coordinate values, in decimal degree format, that define a point on a map that can be used to show the approximate location of the organization.
State NameSTATEFull name of the State in which the physical address of the organization is located.
State AbbreviationSTATEABBR2-letter FIPS alphabetic code used as the abbreviation for the State in which the physical address of the organization is located.
State Numeric CodeSTATECODE2-digit FIPS alphabetic code that represents the State in which the physical address of the organization is located.
County NameCOUNTYFull name of the county in which the physical address of the organization is located.
County Numeric CodeCOUNTYCODE3-digit FIPS alphabetic code for the county in which the physical address of the organization is located.
Congressional DistrictCONGDIST2-digit FIPS numeric code for the congressional district in which the physical address of the organization is located.


14.8 When is congressional approval required?

A. Congressional approval is required for Service entities listed in the annual Budget Justification (i.e., Green Book) when:

(1) Changing organization names;

(2) Moving the physical location of an office; or

(3) Restructuring programs, divisions, Regional offices, and field stations.

B. Congressional approval is not required for basic changes that do not result in reprogramming and do not conflict with the annual Budget Justification, such as:

(1) Typographical corrections,

(2) Minor changes in reporting hierarchy, or

(3) Address corrections.

14.9 How do employees request an addition, change, or deletion in the CMT? The way you request a change depends on whether or not congressional approval is required.

A. Congressional approval required. Contact the Chief, Division of Budget and Performance to determine if the requested change requires congressional notification and approval (see 020 FW 1 and the Procedures to Obtain Approval on Organizational Changes SharePoint site).

B. Congressional approval not required.

(1) Enter a request in mySupport to the Financial Systems Support team for a CMT System Administrator to process your change, and

(2) Check with your Regional Business Advisor or HQ Liaison for any additional documentation requirements.


14.10 How do employees complete the CMT annual validation? The Financial Systems Support Branch sends out the request to complete the annual CMT validation of all Service organization codes to the Regional/program representative. Employees must validate the data elements listed in section 14.7.

14.11 What must be reviewed during the annual validation process? The Regional/program representative must review the following fields during the annual validation process.

A. Mailing or physical address, or both.

B. Telecommunications (i.e., station phone number).

C. Internet (e.g., station’s webpage, email address).

D. Area of coverage (i.e., latitude and longitude, congressional district).