6.1 Accountability Records. Each office in receipt of classified material shall maintain an accountability record of all Top Secret and Secret material, crypto-material regardless of classification, and Confidential material for which the originator has established controls. A separate record shall be maintained, for each classification category, on Form DI 1834, Classified Document Register.
A. The Top Secret register shall be retained for five years from the date the last item recorded thereon was transferred, downgraded, or destroyed.
B. The register for crypto-material, regardless of classification, shall be retained for five years from the date the last item recorded thereon was transferred, downgraded, or destroyed.
C. The register for Secret and controlled Confidential material shall be maintained for two years from the date the last item recorded thereon was transferred, downgraded, or destroyed.
6.2 Control Numbers. Control numbers shall be assigned to all Secret and Confidential accountable documents upon receipt. For example, a document received by the Security Officer would be marked (SEL), the number (0001), and the calendar year in which received (93), SEL-0001-93. (See requirements for Top Secret in chapter 9.1.)
6.3 Receipt of Classified Material. When classified material is received by an activity, by any means, the following rules apply:
A. The material shall be delivered to the designated classified document control custodian.
B. The package shall be examined for any evidence of tampering and the classified contents shall be checked against the receipt. Discrepancies in the contents of a package or the absence of a receipt for Top Secret, Secret, and cryptographic material (regardless of classification), shall be reported immediately to the sender.
C. If the material is in order, the receiver shall complete the receipt, return it to the sender, and enter the material in the classified document register.