Population Management at Field Stations - General

701 FW 1
FWM Number
Originating Office
Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning

1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this part is to provide a central reference source of overall policy relating to populations management on Service lands.

1.2 Scope. The policies contained in this chapter apply to all populations management programs and practices on all Service lands. Additional policies, guidelines, requirements, and procedures related to specific populations management programs, such as endangered species, fishery resources, and pest control, are found in other chapters of this manual.

1.3 Policy. Populations management programs and activities will be planned and implemented to address fish and wildlife species and populations, not individual members of a population. Such planning must clearly show that these programs and activities support one or more field office objectives.

Fish and wildlife populations at a particular field office will be maintained at levels consistent with sound wildlife management principles and in conformance with that field office's objectives.

Populations management activities or practices, even those implemented for the benefit of a single species or small group of species, will, to the extent possible, contribute to the widest possible natural diversity of indigenous fish and wildlife and habitat types.

1.4 Definitions.

A. Natural Diversity. The number and relative abundance of indigenous species which would occur without human interference. The attainment of natural diversity within a Service land unit could mean that a full range of vegetative successional stages would be represented. Seldom will this be possible at any field office. The attainment of natural diversity is not an over-riding objective of field office management, but it should be an underlying consideration for all habitat and populations management activities.

B. Indigenous. Originating in and being produced, growing, or living in a particular region or environment; in common use, not brought by humans accidentally or otherwise.