Information for the Approval Package for NDAA Reemployment

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***The authority for this program is currently not in place. The Service is pausing the program until Congress extends the authority. If Congress does not extend the authority, we will rescind the chapter.***

Data Tracking System (DTS) Routing Information

· DTS Database: FWS Sensitive, FWS National Sensitive Database

· Document Request Type: PSNL – Personnel

· Routing order:

o   After the initiating Assistant Regional Director or Division Chief, the Regional Director or Headquarters Directorate member (e.g., Assistant Director, Chief – National Wildlife Refuge System) must surname the record and sign the memorandum.

o   Then route to Human Resources Operations (HR Ops) (routing is AMAD-OPS-HR).

o   Then route to Headquarters (HQ) Human Capital (routing is AMAD-HC).

Details on Justification Memorandum


The justification memorandum is signed by the supervising Directorate member (e.g., Regional Director, Assistant Director) and addressed to the Chief, Human Capital. (See template below.) The memorandum must address the following:

·        Full name of applicant and the official position title, series, and grade.

·        Organizational location of official position (duty station).

·        Reference the NDAA appointment authority used to reemploy the annuitant to include DOI Personnel Bulletin (PB): 20-01 dated January 13, 2020.

·        A justification statement (refer to DOI PB: 20-01 requirements in 3b).

·        List the number of part-time hours worked per week.

·        A current resume used to reemploy the annuitant.

·        Duration of temporary action (must not exceed 120 days).

·        If mentoring hours are used during the appointment, include the number of hours being used for mentoring in the justification statement (refer to DOI PB: 20-01 3c).

·        A separate statement from the employee stating they are not currently employed with any other Federal agency, and that they have submitted retirement papers to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which include the date they will retire (the effective date).


The justification memorandum is signed by the supervising Directorate member and addressed to the Chief, Human Capital. (See template below.) The memorandum must address the following:

·        Full name of applicant and the official position title, series, and grade.

·        Organizational location of official position (duty station).

·        Reference the NDAA appointment authority used to reemploy the annuitant to include DOI Personnel Bulletin (PB): 20-01 dated January 13, 2020.

·        A justification statement (refer to DOI PB: 20-01 requirements in 3b).

·        List the number of part-time hours worked per week.

·        A current resume used to reemploy the annuitant.

·        Duration of temporary action (number of days or months of the temporary action).

·        If mentoring hours are used during the appointment, include the number of hours being used for mentoring in the justification statement (refer to DOI PB: 20-01 3c).

·        A separate statement from the employee stating they are not currently employed with any other Federal agency, and that they have submitted retirement papers to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which include the date they will retire (the effective date). If the employee has already retired, include a copy of the retirement SF-50 along with the separation statement.

·        A statement that the position was announced under merit promotion to clear Interagency Career Transition Assistant Program (ICTAP)/Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP) (include vacancy number) and that there were no displaced employees eligible for the position.

·        A copy of the original vacancy announcement.

Appointments may only be made for up to 1-year increments; however, it is possible to extend the appointment for an additional year or up the maximum hours allowed. If the work will continue beyond 1 year, you may include a statement that this appointment will be part-time for 1 year with the possibility of being extended an additional year.

Template for Memorandum


To:                   Chief, Human Capital - Joint Administrative Operations

From:               Directorate member (e.g., Regional Director, Assistant Director)

Subject:            Request Approval to Reemploy Retiree (Name of Applicant) for an Appointment Not to Exceed 120 days or Not to Exceed 1 Year

(See list above for items to include. Also include contact name, email, and phone number in case there are questions.)

____     Approved                      ____   Disapproved

___________________________                       ___________________

Chief, Human Capital                                        Date