Date | Title | Responsible Office |
Approval Authorities for Inter-agency and Intra-Department of the Interior Agreements | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Requirements for Purchasing IT Hardware | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Rental Car Size and Passenger Restrictions and Liabilities | ||
Temporary Duty Travel Policy | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective: January 1, 2019) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Interest Due on Temporary Duty Travel Vouchers (Effective: March 1, 2019) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Rescission of Policy to Reimburse Service Telework Employees for Residential Broadband Costs | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Destruction and Relocation of Migratory Bird Nest Contents | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (effective January 1, 2018) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Authorization for Actual Expense Per Diem for Official Temporary Duty and Permanent Change of Station Travel to Declared Disaster Areas | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Change to Rules on Actual Expense Per Diem | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Phone Calls on Official Business Travel | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Obligations, Payments, or Redistributions Using Expired Accounts | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Use of Home Rental Services and Similar Non-Conventional Lodging Services | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2017) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reasonable Accommodation Policy for Scheduled Events | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Zero Tolerance Harassment Policy | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Shared Services - Permanent Change of Station Employee Counseling | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Authorization of RideShare Car Services - such as Uber and Lyft | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Land Protection Planning Interim Guidance | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Supervisory Review and Approval Responsibilities | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Use of Corporate Charge Card Accounts for Invitational Travel and Employees | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Implementation of PaymentNet Review and Approval for Charge Cards | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Using the Government Charge Card for Local Travel | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2016) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Revision of FWS TDY Handbook (Effective January 11, 2016) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Amended Department of the Interior Temporary Duty Travel Policy | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Use of Digital Signatures via Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Cards for Payment Packages | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2015) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Zero Tolerance Harassment Policy | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Acceptable Use of Bison Connect Electronic Chat Technology | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Using Government Charge Card for Local Travel (Effective November 1, 2014) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Sick Leave for Bereavement Purposes | Division of Human Capital | |
Payment of Fees for Employee Membership in Professional Associations and Societies (effective August 6, 2014) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Standard Service Agreement Forms for DOI Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Moves (effective July 31, 2014) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Mosquito Management on National Wildlife Refuges | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Temporary Duty Travel Policy | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2014) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Proper Recording of Obligations and Prior Year Recoveries | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Cost Structure Redistributions in FBMS | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Obligations, Payments, or Redistributions Using Expired Accounts | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Renting a Vehicle for Official Government Business | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Updated Procedures for Micro-Purchases and Utility Payments | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Congressional Lobbying | Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs | |
Revised Conference Approval Process | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Exemption from Lodging Taxes | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Establishing Project Codes in FBMS during FY 2012 | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective April 17, 2012) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
DOI Final Environmental Justice Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Report | Division of Public Affairs | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2012) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reasonable Accommodation Policy for Scheduled Events | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Zero Tolerance Harassment Policy | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Use of Non-Refundable Airline Tickets and Rental Cars | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Congressional Activities and Meetings | Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs | |
Implementation of the Government Relocation Advisory Board Recommendations for Federal Travel Regulations | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective July 1, 2011) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Electronic Stewardship and Implementation of Duplex Printing | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Changes in Permanent Change of Station Entitlements (Effective August 1, 2011) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Shipment of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV) during a Permanent Change of Station | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Change in Mandatory Source from SKILLCRAFT to Envision for the Production and Purchase of Business Cards | Office of Communications | |
Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) Migration Guidance To Programs that Administer Grants and Cooperative Agreements | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | |
Same-Sex Domestic Partnerships for Permanent Change of Station Reimbursement and Modification of the Employee Service Agreement (DOI FMM 2011-007) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
FFS Cost Structure Required to Process SF-1038 for Cash Advance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Emergency Travel Flexibilities and Cost Tracking for the Deepwater Horizon Activities (expires 12/31/11) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Diversity and Inclusion Implementation/Action Plan | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles (Effective January 1, 2011) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Interim Guidance for Implementation of Prime Recipient and Subaward Reporting Requirements | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | |
Accounting for Non-Economy Act Reimbursable Agreements | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Transfer of Region 9 Financial Assistance Award Management to Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | |
Fiscal Year 2011 Proper Recording of Obligations | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Department of the Interior Guidance Release 2010-05 Challenge Cost Share | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | |
Employee Responsibilities in Safeguarding Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Fish and Wildlife Service Forms | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles for Permanent Change of Station | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Volunteer Reimbursement Guidance | Division of Visitor Services and Communication | |
Reimbursable Agreements with other Federal Agencies under the Economy Act | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Updating GovTrip Profile with Secure Flight Information | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Distinguishing the Differences between Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel and Local Travel Entitlements | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Procedures to Claim Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business (Standard Form 1164) for Local Travel and Other Expenses | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Relocation Services Program | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy to Reimburse Service Telework Employees for Residential Broadband Costs | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reimbursement for Use of Privately-Owned Vehicles for Permanent Change of Station | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
New Department of the Interior Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Guidance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Temporary Duty (TDY) and/or Relocation Travel of Employees to Areas Impacted by Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Use of Corporate Charge Card Accounts for Invitational Travel | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy on Reimbursement of Fees Associated with Airport Security Fast Pass Memberships | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Excess Baggage Fees | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Cost Recovery Rates for Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Guidance for Implementation of Appropriate Refuge Uses Policy (603 FW 1) | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Quarterly Certification of Outstanding Undelivered Orders | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
First Class and Business Class Travel | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Fish and Wildlife Service Environmental Safeguards Plan for All-Hazards Emergencies | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Changes to Pay Regulations | Division of Human Capital | |
Prescribed Burning Off-Service Lands: Clarification of the Addendum to the Service Fire Management Handbook | Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program | |
NEPA Compliance for Hunting Programs | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Shipment of Professional Books, Papers, and Equipment in a Permanent Change of Station Move | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Regulation and Policy Clearance Guidance | Director's office | |
Cost Recovery Rates for Fiscal Years 2007 and 2008 | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Cap on Home Marketing Incentive Award Program | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Interim Guidance on the Implementation of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) for Volunteers | Director's office | |
Travel of an Employee with Special Needs - Services of Attendants | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Standardized Guidance on Compiling a Decision File and an Administrative Record | Office of the Solicitor - General Law | |
Off-Road Vehicle Use on National Wildlife Refuges | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Temporary Quarters Policy Changes | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Reminder of Document Retention and Anti-Retaliation Orders | ||
Temporary Duty (TDY) and/or Relocation Travel of Employees to Areas Impacted by Hurricane Katrina - Extension of Guidance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy on Equal Employment Opportunities and Inclusion | Director's office | |
Efforts to Evaluate and Adjust Purchase Card Authority - Phase 3 | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Ongoing Efforts to Evaluate and Adjust Purchase Card Authority: Phase 3 | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Ongoing Efforts to Evaluate and Adjust Purchase Card Authority - Phase 3 | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Important Activity Based Cost (ABC) Changes for FY 2006 | Division of Budget and Performance | |
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) Guidance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Enhancing Administrative Fund Controls in the Service's Financial System | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Clarification to Telephone Use Policy (Cellular Telephones and Wireless Telecommunications Services) | ||
Use of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Email | Director's office | |
Avian Influenza | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Use of FWS Corporate Accounts | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Important Servicewide Information Technology (IT) Security Changes | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Interim Guidance for Mosquito Management on National Wildlife Refuges | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Cobell Reminder | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Revised Policy and Guidance for FWS Regarding Moving Records | ||
Compensatory Time Off for Time in a Travel Status | Division of Human Capital | |
Surveys | Director's office | |
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Technology and Copyright Restrictions | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Capturing Cost Related to the FBMS Project | Joint Administrative Operations | |
Freeze on New Contracts for Commercial Wireless (Cellular) Services | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
FAST TRACK Correspondence Procedures | Director's office | |
Authorities and Limitations on Ordering Printing and Copying Services | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Changes to Cost Recovery Rates and Policy for Fiscal Years 2005 and 2006 | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Court Orders regarding the Pueblo of Laguna and the Jicarilla Apache Nation | ||
Identifying and Managing Non-records | ||
Status of FWS Internet Shutdown | Office of Communications | |
Policy for the Review of Planned IT Acquisitions over $2 Million for Potential Duplication with the President's 24 E-Government Initiatives | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Advisory of Microsoft Software Computer Gifts | Division of Human Capital | |
Political Activity | Division of Human Capital | |
Proper Recording of Financial Obligations | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy on Clearing Suspense File in FFS | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Standards of Ethical Conduct | Director's office | |
Quarterly Congressional Reporting on Travel (Response Due: January 12, 2004) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Desktop Guide for Federal Financial System Acceptance Dates | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Updated Travel Procedures to Comply with Congressional Reporting and On-going Audits | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Procedures to Claim Official Business Expenditures (SF 1164) | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Ongoing Efforts to Evaluate and Adjust Purchase Card Authority | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Financial Assistance Requirements: Standard Format for Program Announcements and Grants.Gov Find | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Service Security and Suitability Program | Division of Human Capital | |
Competitive Sourcing Official Responsibility for Competitive Sourcing Studies - Delegation | ||
Financial Assistance Policy: Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System Requirements for Federal Assistance | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
New Ordering Procedures for IT Hardware | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Obligations, Payments or Redistributions Against Expired Accounts | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy Change for Reimbursable Agreements with U.S. Geological Survey | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Service Interim Guidance on Avoiding and Minimizing Wildlife Impacts from Wind Turbines | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Interim Service Policy on Intragovernmental Transactions | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Migratory Bird Permit Memorandum - Nest Destruction | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Authorization for Full Per Diem During Advanced Leadership Development Program 60-Day Training Assignments | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Draft Director's Order on FY 2003 National Wildlife Refuge System Centennial Expenditures | ||
Service Fire Management Policy Clarification | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Important Court Order on Communicating with Class Members in Cobell v. Norton, Civ. No. 96-1285 (RCL) | ||
Communications with the Special Master-Monitor in Cobell v. Norton | ||
Amendment to Procedures for Foreign Travel | International Affairs Program | |
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Interior Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Implementation of the 2002 Farm Bill Conservation Provisions | ||
Leased Building Standards for Seismic Safety Compliance | Division of Human Capital | |
Honor and Monetary Awards | Division of Human Capital | |
Service Implementation of Trip Manager | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Exemption from Departmental Conference Planning Policy for Internal Meetings | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Policy Reminder - Approval to Utilize First Class Transportation | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Revised FWS Integrated Charge Card Program Guidance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Timely Filing of Comments on FERC’s Public Notices | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Competitive Sourcing | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Service Activities in Mexico | Division of International Conservation | |
Further Clarification and Guidance on Accounting and Reporting the Service's Cost on Hydroelectric Licensing Activities | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Clarification on Refuge-Specific Language (about posting hunting and fishing regulations) | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Recruitment for Federal Advisory Committee Membership | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
OIG Policy for Referrals from Departmental Offices and Bureaus | ||
Accounting for and Reporting the Costs of Hydrolectric Licensing Activities to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Emergency Preparedness | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Implementing Congress' Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Policy on Conferences and Meetings Involving Travel | ||
The Habitat Information Tracking System for the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and the Coastal Program is Operational | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Guidelines on Washington Office Information Technology (IT) Equipment Purchases | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Re-refined Motor Oil | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Guidelines on Responding to Legislative Referrals | Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs | |
Retention of Electronic Mail (email) and Tape Backup Copies | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Reviewing Outstanding Undelivered Orders - Finance Report FWS35202 | ||
Mandatory Use of Travel Management System - Waiver Process for Obtaining Lodging Accommodations and Rental Cars | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Federal Register Documents - Clearance Procedures | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Interagency Federal Guidance Concerning the Use of In-Lieu-Fee Mitigation Agreements Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
REPLACED BY MEMO DATED 07/09/2002 -Seismic Safety Compliance for Leased Buildings | Infrastructure Management Division | |
Seismic Compliance Policy for New Building Design, 2000 International Building Code or FEMA 302/303 Provisions | Infrastructure Management Division | |
Review of Outstanding Undelivered Orders | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Waterbird Bycatch Policy Statement and Task Force Formation | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Service Guidance on the Siting, Construction, Operation and Decommissioning of Communications Towers | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Administrative Support Cost Recovery Rates for Fiscal Years 2001 and 2002 | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Witness Regulations | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Revised Policy on Recovered Assessment Costs | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Directorate Decision on Servicewide Implementation of the Diversity and Civil Rights Program | Division of Human Capital | |
Changes to the Land Acquisition Planning Procedures | Division of Realty | |
The Ecosystem Approach: A Blue Jeans Assessment | Office of Communications | |
Classified National Security Information Program | Division of Human Capital | |
Personal Papers of Executive Branch Officials | Office of Communications | |
Congressional Lobbying | Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs | |
EEO # 2000-17 Prohibited Discrimination based on Status as Parent and EEO #2000-18 Prohibited Discrimination based on Genetic Information | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy - Mandatory Application by Managers in EEO Cases | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
"Fulfilling the Promise" through a Fire Management Mentor Program | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Policies on Limited Use of Government Equipment and Telephone Use | ||
Reminder: Approval Requirements Regarding Acceptance of Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses | Division of Human Capital | |
Washington Office Realignment | Office of Communications | |
Privately Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement for the National conservation Training Center | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Workplace Violence Policy | ||
Law Enforcement Surnaming of Pertinent Documents | Office of Law Enforcement | |
ARCHIVED - Compiling an Administrative Record SUPERCEDED BY Directors Order 158 on 09/08/03 | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Procedures for Acting Director | Director's office | |
Guidance on Compiling an Administrative Record | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Controlled Correspondence | Correspondence Control Unit | |
Proper Use of Integrated Charge Card | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Recommendations for Publications to Meet the Needs of Americans with Disabilities | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Trip by Trip Travel Authorization Required for Training | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Equal Employment Opportunity Counselors (EEO Directive No. 2000-01) | ||
Retention of Agency Records | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Reminder - Use of Electronic Mail and Management of Electronic Records | Information Resources and Technology Management | |
Designation of Non-Federal Agencies to be Cooperating Agencies in Implementing the Procedural Requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (ED 99/1) | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Policy Reminder - Request for Actual Subsistence | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Role of the Washington Office in the Ecosystem Approach | Director's office | |
Guidelines for Ecosystem Teams | Director's office | |
Migratory Bird Permits for Intentional Take by Federal Agencies | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Roles and Responsibilities of the Service's Seismic Safety Rehabilitation Program | Infrastructure Management Division | |
Reminder Travel/Meeting Attendance Policy | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Potential Problem with Global Positioning Systems | Office of Communications | |
Membership and Participation in Professional Societies | Office of Communications | |
Interim Guidance for Use of Automatic Phone Answering Equipment | ||
Design Standard for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings | Infrastructure Management Division | |
Service Work/Life Initiative | Division of Human Capital | |
Position Descriptions, Personnel Clearance Procedures, and Classification | Division of Human Capital | |
Reminder and Final Guidelines When Meeting With Members of Congress | Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs | |
Transfer of Organizational Codes | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
MOU Between the National Association of Conservation Districts and the Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service RE: General Framework for Cooperation | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Reimbursable Agreements: Advance Payments from Non-Federal Entities | Division of Budget and Performance | |
Service Information Needs System | Office of Research Coordination | |
Leadership Development Guidance | National Conservation Training Center | |
Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
FY 1999 Allocation Withdrawals | Division of Budget and Performance | |
Seasonal Employment | Division of Human Capital | |
FY 1999 Career Awareness Institute Program | Division of Human Capital | |
Next Steps - Performance Management Implementation | Division of Budget and Performance | |
Transmittal of Environmental Statement Memorandum from the Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
Streamlining the Granting of Waivers | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Welfare-to-Work | Division of Human Capital | |
Voluntary Early Retirement Authority | Division of Human Capital | |
Environmental Justice (Technical Procedures Bulletin Number 97-01) | Division of Public Affairs | |
Vision for Diversity | Division of Human Capital | |
Request for Permanent Delegation of Authority to Approve Pesticide Use Proposals (Lower Klamath and Tule Lake NWRs) | Division of Fish and Aquatic Conservation Programs | |
ARCHIVED - Reasonable Accommodation | Division of Human Capital | |
Electronic Payments to Employees | Branch of Financial Policy and Analytics | |
FY 1999 Refuge Cleanup Project Proposals | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
International Conservation Corps | Division of International Conservation | |
Targeted Recruitment Initiative | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Maintenance Management System (MMS) Project Cost Ceiling | Division of Migratory Bird Management | |
Fire Management Funds Allocation and Ecosystem Management | Division of Natural Resources and Conservation Planning | |
Executive Memorandum on Plain Language in Government Writing | ||
Aquatic Resource Management Activities on Refuges | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Fish and Wildlife Service Directives System | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Final Section 7 Consultation Handbook | Division of Environmental Review | |
Change in Policy, Production and Purchase of Business Cards | Division of Public Affairs | |
Continuous Learning Policy | National Conservation Training Center | |
Relations with Private Organizations | Ethics | |
Revised Process for Administration of the Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Equal Opportunity Training for Managers and Supervisors | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
Providing a Certified Document to Ensure Certification of Posting (Equal Opportunity Directive 1997-12) | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
The Outreach of Consistency - Signage, Publications, Vehicles, and Uniforms | Division of Acquisition and Property Policy Management | |
Allocation for, and Policy and Procedure for Use of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) Fund for Advance Funding for Assessment Costs Under Memoranda of Agreement With Responsible Parties (FY 1997-02) | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Transmittal of the MOU between FWS and the Natural Resources Conservation Service Regarding the Coordinated Acquisition with the Wetlands Reserve Program. | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Authority for the Fish and Wildlife Service to Obligate Public Funds for Habitat Restoration Projects on Private Lands | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 | Policy and Regulations Branch | |
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 | ||
Guidance for Implementing Title II of S.1, the "Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995" | ||
Pesticide Use Proposals | ||
Complaints Processing | Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management | |
MOU Between SCS, ASCS, FWS and FmHA Regarding the Establishment of Wetland Conservation Easements on FmHA Inventory Property | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
Import of Leopard Trophies - OMA Policy Memorandum No. 2 | Division of Management Authority | |
Affidavits in Connection with Permit Applications - OMA Policy Memorandum No. 2 | Division of Management Authority | |
MOU Between USDA, EPA, DOI & DOA Concerning the Delineation of Wetlands for Purposes of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Subtitle B of the Food Security Act | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
MOU Between Farmers Home Administration and FWS Establishing Procedures for Interagency Coordination on Fish and Wildlife Resource Issues Affecting Farmer Programs | Division of Restoration and Recovery | |
New Land Acquisition Planning and Approval Procedures | Division of Realty | |
Policy on Export or Reexport of Donated Wildlife | Division of Management Authority |