U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Federal Register Documents
Division of Policy, Performance, and Management Programs
Final Rules        Proposed Rules       Notices
  • Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

  • Charter Renewal

  • CITES Meeting

  • Endangered and Threatened Species

  • Endangered and Threatened Species Permit Applications

  • Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants

  • Endangered Wildlife and Plants

  • Environmental Assessment

  • Environmental Impact Statement

  • Habitat Conservation Plan

  • Importation, Exportation, and Transportation of Wildlife

  • Incidental Take Permit Application

  • Issuance of Permits

  • Marine Mammals

  • Meetings

  • Permit Applications

  • Privacy Act; Systems of Records

  • Recovery Permit Application

  • Restoration Plan

  • Safe Harbor Agreement

  • Status Review

  • Wild Bird Conservation Act

  • Workgroups

  • PPM Websites: Centralized Library of Servicewide Policies | PPM Services

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