Artist's rendering of what the Linnton Mill Restoration Project will look like many years after restoration (RestorCap)
In April 2019, members of the Portland Harbor Natural Resource Trustee Council signed the Linnton Mill Habitat Development Plan. By signing the plan, the Trustee Council recognizes the Linnton Mill Restoration Project as having “credits” to sell. These credits represent habitat benefits created by the project. Potentially responsible parties may purchase these credits and offer them for consideration to resolve their liability for environmental damages resulting from hazardous releases in the Portland Harbor Superfund site. The Trustee Council may also consider purchasing credits from this project using funds from cash settlements with potentially responsible parties.
The Linnton Mill Restoration Project is designed to provide high quality habitat for fish and wildlife injured by hazardous releases in the Portland Harbor Superfund site. The project is being completed by RestorCap, a habitat development company. Demolition of structures at the site began in fall 2017. The planned restoration includes:
- Removal of multiple buildings, 2 docks, and 700 pilings to permanently transform this industrial parcel into a natural area
- Restoring access for salmon, lamprey, and other fish to a section of Linnton Creek that is currently confined to a pipe
- Planting thousands of native plants across the site
- Removing invasive vegetation and laying back the banks along the Willamette River to improve riparian and shallow water habitat for fish and wildlife
- Placing logs in the creek for small fish to hide, rock piles in the uplands for mink to den, and snags for bald eagles and other birds to perch and hunt
- Construction of a path and viewing platform for recreational use
Construction is scheduled for completion in 2019. The project will then be monitored for at least 10 years, with ongoing oversight from the Trustee Council. After that, long-term stewardship of the site will begin, ensuring restoration benefits in perpetuity.
The Linnton Mill Restoration Project is located on the west bank of the Willamette River within the Portland Harbor Superfund (NRDA study area) site. See this fact sheet for more information.
To date, two other restoration projects have been recognized by the Portland Harbor Trustee Council: Alder Creek and Rinearson Natural Area.