Publications and Reports
Johnson, D.L., J.M. Eisaguirre, R.L. Taylor, E.M. Andersen, and J.L. Garlich-Miller. 2024. Assessing the sustainability of Pacific walrus harvest in a changing environment. Journal of Wildlife Management
MacCracken, J.G., and R.B. Benter. 2015. Trend in Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) tusk asymmetry, 1990-2014. Marine Mammal Science
MacCracken, J.G., P.R. Lemons, III, J.L. Garlich-Miller, and J.A. Snyder. 2014. An index of optimum sustainable population for the Pacific Walrus.
Huntington, H.P., G. Noongwook, N.A. Bond, B. Benter, J.A. Snyder, and J. Zhang. 2013. The influence of wind and ice on spring walrus hunting success on St. Lawrence Island. Deep-Sea Research II 94:312-322.
MacCracken, J.G., J. Garlich-Miller, J. Snyder, and R. Meehan. 2013. Bayesian belief network models for species assessments: an example with the Pacific walrus. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:226-235.
Robards, M., and J. Garlich-Miller. 2013. Workshop on assessing Pacific walrus population attributes from coastal haul-outs. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Marine Mammals Management, MMM 13-1, Anchorage, AK.
Udevitz, M.S. R.L. Taylor, J.L. Garlich-Miller, L.T. Quakenbush, and J.A. Snyder. 2013. Potential population-level effects of increased haulout-related mortality of Pacific walrus calves. Polar Biology 36:291-298.
MacCracken, J.G. 2012. Pacific walrus and climate change: observations and predictions. Ecology and Evolution 2:2072-2090
MacCracken, J.G. 2012. Pacific walrus and : observations and predictions. Ecology and Evolution 3: 381.
Speckman, S.G., V.I. Chernook, D.M. Burn, M.S. Udevitz, A.A. Kochnev, C.V. Jay, A. Lisovsky, A.S. Fischbach, and R.B. Benter. 2011. Results and evaluation of a survey to estimated Pacific walrus population size, 2006. Marine Mammal Science 27:51-553.
Burn, D.M., M.A. Udevitz, S.G. Speckman, and R.B. Benter. 2009. An improved procedure for detection and enumeration of walrus signatures in airborne thermal imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (1mb - pdf ) 11: 324–333.
Udevitz, M.S., D.M. Burn, and M.A. Webber. 2008. Estimation of walrus populations on sea ice with infrared imagery and aerial photography. Marine Mammal Science (pdf) 24: 57-70
Burn, D.M., M.A. Webber, and M.S. Udevitz. 2006. Application of airborne thermal imagery to surveys of Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34(1):51-58.
Burn, D.M., Udevitz, M.S., Webber, M.A., and Garlich-Miller, J.L. 2006. Development of Airborne Remote Sensing Methods for Surveys of Pacific Walruses. OCS Study MMS 2006-003, 24 pp.
Garlich-Miller, J.L., Quakenbush, L.T., and Bromaghin, J.F. 2006. Trends in age Structure and Productivity of Pacific Walruses Harvested in the Bering Strait Region of Alaska, 1952–2002. Marine Mammal Science. 22(4):880-896.
Garlich-Miller, J.L., and Stewart, R.E.A. 1998. Growth and sexual dimorphism of Atlantic walruses Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus in Foxe Basin NT, Canada. Marine Mammal Science. 14(4):803-818.
Seagars, D. and Garlich-Miller, J.L. 2001. Organochlorine compounds and aliphatic hydrocarbons in Pacific walrus blubber. Marine Pollution Bulletin 43 (1): 122-131
Garlich-Miller, J.L. and Burn, D.M. 1999. Estimating the harvest of Pacific walrus, Odobenus rosmarus divergens in Alaska. Fish. Bulletin 97(4): 1043-1046.
Garlich-Miller, J.L., and Stewart, R.E.A. 1999. Female reproductive patterns and fetal growth of Atlantic walruses Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus in Foxe Basin NT, Canada. Marine Mammal Science. 15(1):179-191.
Garlich-Miller, J.L., Stewart, R.E.A., Stewart, B.E., and Hiltz, E.A. 1993. Comparison of mandibular with cemental growth-layer counts for ageing Atlantic walrus Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus. Can. J. Zool. 71: 163-167.
Taylor, D.L., S. Schliebe, and H. Metsker. 1989. Contaminants in blubber, liver and kidney tissue of Pacific walruses. Marine Pollution Bulletin: 20(9): 465-468.