The Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force was established by the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act (reauthorized in 1996 with the passage of the National Invasive Species Act) as a multi-agency body dedicated to preventing and controlling ANS (also known as aquatic , or AIS). On January 24 -35, 2024, the ANS Task Force held a public meeting, in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act. The meeting was held at the U.S. Geological Survey Headquarters facility in Reston, Virginia with a virtual participation option.. The following is an executive summary of the meeting. Additional details about the meeting, including the agenda and detailed meeting minutes can be found at: https://www.fws.gov/program/aquatic-nuisance-species-task-force/meetings.
The full list of attendees, including the names of individuals present, are recorded in the full meeting minutes. In addition to member organizations below, representatives from each of the 6 regional panels were in attendance.
- Bureau of LandManagement
- Bureau of Reclamation
- U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers
- U.S. Coast Guard
- U.S Department of Agriculture
- U.S Department of State
- Maritime Administration
- U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency
- U.S. Fish andWildlife
- U.S. ForestService
- U.S. GeologicalSurvey
- National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration
- National ParkService
- Great Lakes Commission
- Chesapeake Bay Program
- San Francisco Estuary Partnership
- American Water Works Association
- Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
- Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
- Mississippi Interstate Cooperative Resources Association
- Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
- Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
Meeting Agenda Highlights
Update Reports:
- USGS NAS Database: New Species Occurrences
- National Invasive Species Council Work Plan
- AIS Commission Report
- U.S. EPA Vessel Incidental Discharge Update
- Prussian Carp Research
- Risk Analysis of the Seaplanes
- Action Plan to address AIS in Commerce
- ANSTF Subcommittee Work planning
- Moss Ball Response After Action Assessment
Discussion Topics:
- Marine Biosecurity in the Pacific Islands
- Revised Oregon ANS Management Plan
- National EDRR Framework Implementation
- Invasive Species Experts Database
Informative Presentations:
- Watercraft Access Evaluation
- Protect the West goes Nationwide
- eDNA National Strategy
- Snake River Mussel Rapid Response
Decisional Items
- ANS Task Force approved the revised Oregon State ANS Management Plan.
- The ANS Task Force approved establishing a joint ANS Task Force / Invasive Species Advisory Committee workgroup to provide input to the development and implementation of the National Early Detection Rapid Response Framework.
Action Items
- Executive Secretary will work with Subcommittees will create and prioritize a list of outputs. Time will be dedicated during the Fall 2024 meeting agenda to discuss these outputs and create updated workplans for the subcommittees that align with the ANS Task Force Strategic Plan.
- The ANS Task Force Executive Secretary will inquire with the Invasive Carp Regional Coordinating Committee about their interest and ability to include Prussian carp in their scope of work.
- The ANS Legislative Report Working Group will send out the draft survey to collect input on legislative, programmatic, or regulatory changes to eliminate remaining gaps to ANS Task Force members and regional panels. Members and Panels will provide comments, along with recommendations on survey timeline and distribution process.
- The ANS Legislative Report Working Group will take into consideration the recommendations for increased financial support for the regional panels as they compile information to draft the report.
- The Outreach Subcommittee with review and discuss the Great Lakes Panel Position Statement on Appropriate Messaging. The subcommittee will make a recommendation for a need for a nation position on the naming and the potential role of ANS Task Force at the next meeting.
- The ANS Task Force Executive Secretary will work with the Control Subcommittee to identify existing genetic biocontrol groups that could provide updates to the ANS Task Force and Regional Panels. If no groups exist, the subcommittee will provide a recommendation for a that could be used to facilitate communication on this issue.
- The Outreach Subcommittee will identify actions that could be taken to increase engagement with boat owners and waterfowl hunters to encourage adoption of prevention messaging. The subcommittee will report on progress or recommended steps forward at the next ANS Task Force meeting.
Regional Panel Recommendations
Northeast Panel
- The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel recommends that the Task Force identify additional funding for regional panels.
Response: To address the panel recommendation, the Co-chairs believe this issue needs to be handled from an authorization, appropriation, and President’s budget perspectives. The FWS will continue to work through President’s budget process to address the Administration’s highest priority work identified for ANS. We believe fully funding the Regional Panels at authorized levels is also an indication of support, while also acknowledging that the current funding levels are not commensurate with the work required of Regional Panels under NANPCA.
Great Lakes Panel
- Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species recommends that the ANSTF outreach subcommittee consider their Position Statement on Appropriate Communication Messages for a national position on language & naming issues for invasive species communication.
Response: This recommendation has been forwarded to the Outreach Subcommittee, and discussions are underway to explore how to address this need within the subcommittee’s workplan. The subcommittee chair will report out on steps taken or planned at the next ANSTF meeting. (Action Item) - Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species recommends that relevant federal agencies establish a plan to clarify policy implications of research, development, and deployment of genetic biocontrol tools with invasive species applications, and provide updates to the ANSTF and regional ANS panels on progress. Further, we recommend that the ANSTF set up a work group dedicated to the topic of genetic biocontrol to facilitate communication among regional ANS panels and relevant federal agencies ,and others.
- Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species recommends that relevant federal agencies engage Tribes and Indigenous Nations in discussions regarding the development and deployment of genetic biocontrol tools and provide updates to the ANSTF and regional ANS panels on progress.
Response This recommendation has been forwarded to the Control Subcommittee for consideration. The subcommittee will determine if a workgroup is needed, including exploring is there are similar groups that already exists that can provide assist with this request. The subcommittee will provide a recommendation at the next ANS Task Force meeting. If it is determined that a work group is warranted the Control Subcommittee will provide a recommendation to establish this working group, including a proposed scope of work, at the May ANSTF meeting. (Action Item)
Western Regional Panel
- The WRP respectfully recommends that federal engagement outreach/meetings be scheduled to accommodate time zones for all parties, including Pacific Territories.
Response: The ANS Task Force members will work with the Executive Secretary to determine the appropriate means to communicate this need to the appropriate parties. - The Western Regional Panel on ANS recommends that the ANSTF develop partnerships with B.A.S.S. and Ducks Unlimited to encourage adoption of clean, drain, dry aquatic invasive species prevention messaging to share with their memberships. Providing outreach content (e.g., Clean Drain Dry or Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers) or guidance as supportive resources for these partners would be beneficial.
Response: We recommend that the Outreach Subcommittee reach out to explore opportunities for increased AIS outreach. Outreach subcommittee should report on progress in engaging with these groups at the May 2024 meeting. (Action Item) - The WRP respectfully recommends that the creation of and support for a National Management and Control Plan Coordinator be taken into consideration. Such a role would provide structured management plan implementation oversight, provide accountability, and identify measurable performance outcomes, including overall objective completion and responsible parties.
Response: The control subcommittee is currently working on a process to improve oversight of the species control plans which includes identifying a plan liaison and a plan manager for each plan. The Control Subcommittee is currently working on filling these roles for existing, active plans. We proposed that time be given to the control subcommittee to establish these positions. Once established, we can re-evaluate this process to determine if additional improvements in oversight and accountability for the species management plans are needed.
Mississippi River Basin Panel (jointly recommended with the Western Regional Panel)
- The MRBP recommends the administration works with Congress to enact legislation that improves protection of the US biosecurity from invasive species, pathogens, and parasites. As an initial step, the ANS Task Force should include recommendations for legislative, programmatic, or regulatory changes to address US biosecurity from aquatic invasive species (AIS) in the Task Force’s report to Congress required by the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2022.
Response: Following this meeting, the ANSTF Legislative Working Group will be reaching out to ANSTF members and the regional panels to gather information for the report mandated by the Don Young Coast Guard Authorization Act. The Mississippi River Basin Panel, and other panels, are encouraged to fully engage in this effort to ensure that all gaps pertaining to biosecurity are adequately represented in the report.
For More Information
Contact: Susan Pasko - Executive Secretary, Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force