
Whether you are looking for a specific document pertaining to species listing, sections of the Endangered Species Act, or anything else related to endangered species policy, you can find it right here in our library.


Endangered Species Act Basics: 50 Years of Conserving Endangered Species

When Congress passed the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1973, it recognized that our rich natural heritage is of “esthetic, ecological, educational, recreational, and scientific value to our Nation and its people.” It further expressed concern that many of our nation’s native plants and animals...

Why Save Endangered Species?

Although extinctions occur naturally, scientific evidence strongly indicates that the current rate of extinction is much higher than the natural or background rate of the past. The main force driving this higher rate of loss is habitat loss. Over-exploitation of wildlife for commercial purposes...

Close up of a USFWS patch on a uniform shirt
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service share responsibility for administration of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). We have issued internal guidance and national policies to promote efficiency and nationwide...
Monarch butterfly sitting on flower
This library collection includes information related to species that are candidates for Endangered Species Act protection, voluntary prelisting conservation, and current policies and regulations.
A pile of freshwater mussels of varying size.
This library collection includes policies and regulations related to section 4 of the Endangered Species Act, guidance documents, and other information related to the Listing and Classification Program.
A fish with a hump on its upper back being held with two hands above the surface of a stream.
The goal of the Endangered Species Act is the recovery of listed species to levels where federal protection is no longer necessary for survival. Toward that goal, we work with partners to develop and implement recovery plans, conduct periodic status reviews to assess ongoing conservation efforts of...
Mojave desert tortoise
This library collection includes information about habitat conservation plans, as well as national guidance and policy documents.
Butterfly rests on tall flowering plant.
This library collection includes general information regarding interagency consultations under the Endangered Species Act, as well as national guidance and policies.
a tiny turtle walks through the grass
As many species currently listed as federally endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) spend at least part of their life cycle on non-federal lands, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) recognizes that recovery success will ultimately depend on working cooperatively...
A red-cockaded woodpecker feasts on a bug.
Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) provides exceptions for the "take" of listed plant and animal species resulting from activities that would otherwise be considered unlawful and prohibited. With some exceptions, the ESA prohibits take resulting from activities affecting these protected...
Partners for Fish and Wildlife: Biologists Susan Abele and Chris Jasmine Meet with Smith Creek Ranch Manager Duane Coombs to Conduct Site Visit for Sage Grouse in central Nevada
The owners and managers of land can and do play a vital role in conserving our nation’s imperiled wildlife. Most threatened and endangered species, listing candidates, and species of concern depend at least in part on private and other nonfederal lands. The Fish and Wildlife Service offers a...