About Us

Our approach to fire management includes a range of specialized practices and knowledge areas. We remain prepared for wildfires and respond with advanced firefighting techniques on Service lands and in partnership with other wildland fire agencies. To protect Service lands from wildfires and improve habitats we implement comprehensive vegetation management strategies, such as mechanically clearing vegetation and applying prescribed fire. Understanding the intricate dynamics of fire ecology, along with conducting effective public education initiatives, make these efforts an integral part of maintaining a balanced and sustainable environment that supports both people and wildlife.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prioritizes responsible fire management through several key objectives within the wildland fire program:

  • Firefighter and Public Safety: Safety of firefighters and the public is our number one priority.
  • Maintaining a Highly Trained Workforce: A well-trained and qualified workforce is essential for safe fire management. We invest in training and preparedness to ensure personnel are equipped to handle diverse fire environments.
  • Leveraging Funding and Partnerships: To mitigate the risk of wildfire, we collaborate with partners to reduce vegetation fuel loads and enhance landscape resilience. 
  • Enhancing Safety on Service Lands: To create safe access to Service lands, we educate visitors and neighboring communities about the fire prevention and wildfire risk. 
  • Ensuring Resilience of National Wildlife Refuge System Lands: We safeguard National Wildlife Refuge System lands and neighboring communities from wildfire impacts and the threat of catastrophic fire, using strategic fuels treatments, such as prescribed fire. These treatments maintain ecosystem health and biodiversity.
  • Strategic Application of Fuels Treatments: We apply fuels treatments to mitigate wildfire risks to communities, infrastructure, and wildlife habitats. This approach involves careful planning and coordination to effectively manage fire-adaptive landscapes.
  • Applying Prescribed Fire for better habitat management: Prescribed fire plays a vital role in our habitat management strategies. By using prescribed fire, we improve habitat conditions for threatened and endangered species.
Our Mission

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's wildland fire management program is to support the National Wildlife Refuge System's network of conservation lands. We are committed to integrity, accountability, safety, and resilience, to foster a service culture in protection of neighboring communities and our natural and cultural resource treasures.

Our History

Since the 1930s, the Service has used prescribed fire as a tool in land management, leading to significant ecological benefits. By strategically using prescribed fire, the Service has fostered healthier ecosystems that are less prone to catastrophic wildfires. This longstanding commitment to proactive fire management has bolstered the resilience of our landscapes against the potential impacts of wildfires.