Living Around Birds

It doesn't matter where you live -- in an apartment, townhouse, or single family dwelling, in the city, suburbs or country.  Just stand still and you'll hear them: wild birds.  It's hard to imagine life without them. However, sometimes the birds themselves can be a nuisance, e.g. when woodpeckers decide to make a home in the wood siding of your house, eat fruit from your bushes and trees or fish from your pond.

Check out the resources below to help answer some of your questions about living and working around birds.

Blue-winged Teal Nest
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act protects most bird nests, making it illegal to collect and keep them. Find out what you need to know about these nest protections.
Red-bellied woodpecker perched on a building
Sometimes wildlife can get a little too close for comfort. Learn what to do when if you have unwanted bird activity on your property.
What to do when feathered squatters are splashing around in your pool and nesting in your yard.
Red-tailed hawk perched on rock
What to do when you're dive-bombed by birds.
Tree swallow perched
Baby bird poop all over your house.
a pair of black and white birds with orange bills on a beach with one chick
There is nothing quite like the feeling of spring. The weather has started to warm. Days are filled with going on walks, sitting in the backyard or having picnics. Birds have made their return to their breeding grounds and the familiar calls are heard again.
Summer is here and with it comes an increased chance of encountering an urban raptor.  While these winged predators are ...

Found a bird feather or dead bird (excluding an eagle)?

Possession of migratory bird feathers or remains must be authorized under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.  Here are a few ways this can happen:

Found an eagle feather or remains?

Bald eagle feather bustle
Example of a bald eagle feather bustle | Image Details

For hundreds of years Native Americans and Alaskan Natives have used eagle feathers for religious and cultural purposes. Because of the significance of eagle feathers to Native American heritage, and consistent with the government-to-government relationship between the Federal government and Federally recognized tribal governments, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has undertaken policy and procedural changes to facilitate the collection and distribution of eagle bodies and parts for this purpose. The collection efforts of the Service provides a legal means for Native Americans to acquire eagle feathers for religious purposes, reducing the pressure to take birds from the wild, and protecting eagle populations.

Please answer the questions below: 

  • Do you have reason to suspect the eagle’s death was intentionally caused by a human?
  • Do you believe the eagle was electrocuted?
  • Do you believe the eagle was shot or poisoned?
  • Does it appear that feathers or any body parts have been intentionally removed from the eagle?

If the answer to any of the above questions is “yes”, immediately call Service Law Enforcement office at: (1-844-397-8477).

If the answer to all of the above questions is “no”, eagle feathers and remains must be transferred to the National Eagle Repository unless otherwise authorized by USFWS. The National Eagle Repository provides Guidelines for Shipping Eagles to the Repository.

If you found an eagle in the Puget Sound area, you are authorized to temporarily collect the eagle remains and transport them within 24 hours to the nearest drop-off center. Please review the list below and call the nearest drop-off center to arrange transfer of the remains.

List of Eagle Remains Drop-off Locations in the Puget Sound

Puget Sound NorthPuget Sound EastPuget Sound WestPuget Sound South
USFWS - Blaine Wildlife Inspectors 

9925 Pacific Hwy

Blaine, WA 98188

(360) 332-5388
USFWS Law Enforcement 

14852 NE 95th St

Redmond, WA 98052

(425) 883-8122
Washington Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Complex 

715 Holgerson Rd

Sequim, WA 98382

(360) 457-8451 
Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge 

100 Brown Farm Rd NE

Olympia, WA 98516

(360) 753-9467
Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehab Center 

284 Boyce Road

Friday Harbor, WA 98250 

(360) 378-5000
USFWS - SeaTac Wildlife Inspectors 

17930 International Blvd

Seattle, WA 98188

(206) 241-0191
Quilcene National Fish Hatchery 

281 Fish Hatchery Rd

Quilcene, WA 98376

(360) 765-3334
USFWS – Washington Fish and Wildlife Office 

510 Desmond Dr. SE, Suite 102

Lacey, WA 98503

(360) 753-9440

46119 284th Ave SE

Enumclaw, WA 98022

(253) 350-5792
West Sound Wildlife Shelter 

7501 NE Dolphin Dr 

Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 

(206) 855-9057

Wildlife Services, Washington 

720 O’Leary Street NW Olympia, WA 98502

(360) 753-9884

Toll-free: 1-866-4USDAWS

NOTE: More drop off locations are available around Puget Sound. Call number above to see if there is one closer to you than the Olympia office

An adult bald perches on the edge of a large nest, watching over it's nestling
Are you planning an activity around an active, or in-use nest, or alternate, or inactive, bald eagle nest? Wondering if you need a permit? An eagle disturbance permit may be issued for taking eagles when the take is associated with, but not the purpose of, an activity and cannot practicably be...

Return to Migratory Bird Permit Program Page

Birds surround two herring fishing boats
The purpose of Migratory Bird Permits is to promote long-term conservation of migratory birds and their habitats and encourage joint stewardship with others.