For general questions about the Wetlands Mapper, accessing wetlands data, or our website, please email your inquiry to
Please note: NWI data are developed using a biological definition of wetlands and may not be consistent with wetland boundaries established according to the federal regulatory definition of wetlands under the Clean Water Act. The data do not account for changes in the landscape that may have occurred after mapping (see metadata). The Wetlands Mapper data should not be interpreted as representing the presence, absence, or extent of wetlands that may be covered under one or more federal, state, Tribal, or local laws. If you are planning to conduct activities that could affect waters or wetlands, we recommend that you contact your local USACE regulatory office to ensure compliance with applicable federal wetland regulations:
NWI Leadership
Leadership staff specialize in program administration, scientific integrity, and innovation.
Jonathan Phinney
Chief, Branch of Geospatial Mapping & Technical Support
Ecological Services
Megan Lang
Chief Scientist
National Wetlands Inventory
NWI Wetland Coordinators
Wetland coordinators specialize in data quality control, training, field operations support, funding and coordination.
Emilia Bartnick
Wetlands Coordinator FWS Region 4
Nina Hill
Wetlands Coordinator FWS Region 3
Gary Hunt
Wetlands Coordinator for FWS Regions 2 and 6
Nick Jones
Wetlands Coordinator for FWS Regions 1 and 8
Amanda Pachomski
Wetlands Coordinator for FWS Region 5
Sydney Thielke
Wetlands Coordinator for FWS Region 7 (Alaska)
NWI Data Center
Data center staff specialize in data quality assurance, management, distribution and analysis.
Rusty Griffin
Quality Assurance Coordinator
Jane Harner
Wetlands Database Administrator
Jeff Ingebritsen
GIS Specialist