Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in the Office of Conservation Investment. Feel free to contact us if you need additional grant or program information.

Location and Contact Information

Mailing Address

5275 Leesburg PikeFalls Church,VA,22041-3803


man sitting in boat holds fish
Acting Deputy Director for Operations
Additional Role(s)
Assistant Director, Office of Conservation Investment
Falls Church,VA
Matt Filsinger holding large trout.
Deputy Assistant Director
Office of Conservation Investment
Falls Church,VA

The Office of Conservation Investment 

The Headquarters office establishes national regulations and policies for each of the grant programs administered by the Office of Conservation Investment.

This office is responsible for national funds allocation, grant accounting and audits, coordination of nationally competitive grant programs and the Multistate Grant Program, the Public Access Civil Rights Program, and the National Training Program.

The Headquarters' staff provides support to the FWS Assistant Director for the Office of Conservation Investment and to the Regional Program offices. The staff also provides information about the programs to the Congress, industry partners, private organizations and the public.

National and Regional Contacts

The Office of Conservation Investment works at a regional and national level to support our partners and conservation. This includes staff in every U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service region across the country. To view Office of Conservation Investment regional manager information, visit the regional contact map

For general program questions and media requests please contact our WSFR communications team: