Fisheries management, Population enhancement, Research

The National Fish Strain Registry database is a broad collaborative program that provides access to data and information on our nation’s aquatic resources. The database houses information on life history, genetics, reproduction, and behavior of wild populations and domestic fish strains throughout the United States. The database is available for use by public and private producers as well as resource managers of federal, state, and Tribal governments through a registration process. The National Fish Strain Registry is a  database managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Using Data to Improve Conservation Efforts

This dataset can assist resource managers with decisions on which populations will be most effective for production or conservation management goals. The registry assembles performance and characterization information on more than 35 species cultured and managed by state and federal agencies and private growers. This management tool can assist resource managers with decisions on which populations will be most effective for each production or conservation management application. The NFSR's vision is to provide a broad collaborative program that provides access to data and information on our Nation’s aquatic resources.

Who can access the date?

The database is available to fisheries managers, fish producers, and researchers throughout the United States. However, you must be a registered user to login to the National Fish Strain Registry. Registered users can create, edit, and query strain records. 

Login to the National Fish Strain Registry

Registered users are required to login with their FWS active directory email address and password. To login, click Login to NFSR or visit

For non Fish and Wildlife Service personnel, please contact:

Chester R. Figiel, Jr.

Supervisory Fish Biologist



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