Community engagement and collaboration
Wyoming Ecological Services Field Office GIS



Wyoming Ecological Services (WYES) GIS/Geospatial program uses GIS (Geographic Information Systems), GPS (Global Positioning Systems), and other Geospatial data and products to conduct spatial analysis and produce data, graphics, and maps to support WYES work and FWS mission. These Geospatial tools allows the spatial element to be included at a landscape level to improve management of resources.

FWS Species Range Data for Wyoming

All FWS species range data for ESA listed speices in Wyoming can be accessed through ScienceBase at the link below. This data includes range data for listed species in Wyoming including SLA and AOI datasets used in IPaC IPaC
Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC) is a project planning tool that streamlines the USFWS environmental review process

Learn more about IPaC
to generate species lists. See overview of all range data types below. Note: Official Species Lists must be acquired through the IPaC system.

FWS Range data for listed species in WY

One Range

  • One Range represents a single dataset that delineates the FWS Current Range and Species List Area (SLA) for species. These data inform the public of where the species may occur on the landscape and provide the basis for generating species lists in Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC). One Range data represents both the current range and the area where a consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) may be necessary.

Current Range

  • These data inform the public of where the species may occur on the landscape based on best available data and methods. These data capture the geographic area/s where a species is known to occur, as well as areas of suitable habitat where the species is expected to occur. Current Range data is NOT used in the Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC) system to generate species lists. Current Range created when species current occupied range and areas for consultation do not match and separate datasets are required.

Species List Area (SLA)

  • These data provide the basis for generating species lists in Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC). Species List Area (SLA) data represents the area where a consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) may be necessary. SLA created when species current occupied range and areas for consultation do not match and separate datasets are required.

Area of Influence (AOI)

  • Area of Influence (AOI) datasets function the same as Species List Area (SLA) data, however, AOI data were developed under the old FWS system and may not have been refined yet. AOIs are being replaced by refined SLA datasets. AOI data provide the basis for generating species lists in Information for Planning and Consultation (IPAC) and represents the area where a consultation under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) may be necessary.

Other WY GIS Data Sources

WYGIS Geospatial HUB

Wyoming State Geological Survey