Questions & Answers
Five-Year Review of Golden-Cheeked Warbler - FAQ
What is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announcing?
The Service is publishing the five-year status review of the golden-cheeked warbler, which recommends downlisting the species from endangered to threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Although the five-year status review recommends downlisting the golden-cheeked warbler, the results of the status review do not change the bird’s listing status.
The golden-cheeked warbler is still currently listed as an endangered species and may become downlisted to a threatened species in the future through a transparent rulemaking process, which would be based on the best available scientific and commercial data and would include public review and comment.
Why did the five-year status review of the golden-cheeked warbler recommend downlisting?
A comprehensive assessment of the golden-cheeked warbler indicated that the species is not currently at risk of extinction, and therefore, does not meet the definition of an endangered species under the ESA. When evaluating the warbler’s status, the Service considered the best available scientific and commercial information. The review incorporated a wide range of information including quantitative models of golden-cheeked warbler population size, habitat quality, climatic conditions, and landscape change across the species’ range.
The Service’s five-year review concluded that the golden-cheeked warbler’s condition merits a potential change in listing status, due in part to decades of ongoing research that better clarifies our understanding of the species and its habitat conditions, and habitat conservation. Careful review and analysis of available information informed the Service’s recommended downlisting.
The golden-cheeked warbler is still affected by current and ongoing stressors such that the species meets the definition of a threatened species under the ESA. Based on the recent comprehensive review of the status of the species, its habitat, and stressors, the Service is recommending to the Secretary of the Interior that the golden-cheeked warbler no longer meets the definition of endangered. The species is still at risk, and the most pressing threats to the species are habitat loss due to urbanization and climate change climate change
Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century humans have had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.
Learn more about climate change .
How were different modeling efforts considered in the five-year review recommendation?
Several studies have produced estimates of the amount of potential golden-cheeked warbler habitat in the breeding range as well as the species’ population size. In 2021, the Service acknowledged that these efforts represent new estimates rather than just indicators of positive trends in warbler habitat and population size. The Service also acknowledges that the species’ known potential range is geographically more extensive than it was when the golden-cheeked warbler was originally listed. This is likely due to both habitat conservation and management and much-increased survey effort since listing.
Additional modeling to understand the future effects of urbanization and climate change climate change
Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century humans have had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.
Learn more about climate change on the golden-cheeked warbler's breeding range was conducted by the Service. Urbanization modeling used National Land Cover Database data to project which areas in the golden-cheeked warbler's breeding range are expected to be most vulnerable to development over the next 50 years. Climate change projections estimated canopy loss that may occur in the breeding range due to major drought events, which may increase in frequency and severity due to climate change. These two projections were used to approximate expected changes in golden-cheeked warbler habitat quantity in the breeding range over the next 50 years.
What are the next steps in the process?
Any changes to the federal status of a species requires a separate rulemaking process. If reclassification of the golden-cheeked warbler from endangered to threatened status is proposed, it would be accomplished through rulemaking and announced to the public through a Federal Register notice and press release.
Public input from state, federal, Tribal, and other government agencies, as well as the scientific community, industry, and any other interested parties would be requested during the comment period, with interested parties encouraged to provide input on the proposal. Those comments and any new scientific information would be considered in making a final decision on whether to proceed with reclassification. The Service then has approximately one year to finalize, change, or withdraw any proposed regulations in the Federal Register. Reclassification to threatened status would not weaken the necessary and appropriate ESA protections. Conservation and recovery work for the golden-cheeked warbler would continue to be carried out by the Service and its partners.
Given the lengthy review process, including a public comment period, ongoing workload constraints, and other considerations, a proposed and potential final reclassification of the golden-cheeked warbler from endangered to threatened will likely be a multi-year effort.
What is the difference between an endangered species and a threatened species?
An “endangered species” is one that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. A “threatened species” is one that is likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Will the golden-cheeked warbler still be protected if it is reclassified to threatened?
Yes, if the golden-cheeked warbler is reclassified from endangered to threatened, the species will continue to receive protections under the ESA. Additionally, the golden-cheeked warbler is protected under the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which prohibits the take (including killing, capturing, selling, trading and transport) of protected migratory bird species.
What are the threats to the golden-cheeked warbler?
The golden-cheeked warbler’s long-term viability depends on the presence of habitat across its breeding and winter ranges.When the golden-cheeked warbler was federally listed in 1990, the Service identified habitat loss and degradation as major threats to the bird, which continue to negatively impact the species today. The causes of habitat loss and degradation include urbanization, wildfire, oak wilt, agriculture (such as ranching in the breeding range and coffee plantations on the wintering grounds) and the effects of climate change climate change
Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century humans have had an unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale.
Learn more about climate change that impact habitat structure structure
Something temporarily or permanently constructed, built, or placed; and constructed of natural or manufactured parts including, but not limited to, a building, shed, cabin, porch, bridge, walkway, stair steps, sign, landing, platform, dock, rack, fence, telecommunication device, antennae, fish cleaning table, satellite dish/mount, or well head.
Learn more about structure and composition.
What conservation actions have been undertaken for the golden-cheeked warbler?
The Service works with private landowners, and local, state, national, and international partners to support and conserve golden-cheeked warbler habitat across the species’ breeding and wintering range. Due in large part to the long-term conservation efforts of a variety of partners across its range, the golden-cheeked warbler is making progress toward recovery.
The Service issued a recovery plan for the golden-cheeked warbler in 1992, and that same year the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge was established to protect the breeding habitats of the golden-cheeked warbler and black-capped vireo (now delisted due to recovery). In addition, a combined mitigation total of over 69,000 acres of preserves in the bird’s breeding range in central Texas will be established upon full implementation of approximately 140 individual Habitat Conservation Plans.
About five percent of the golden-cheeked warbler breeding habitat is conserved on various federal, state and locally managed lands. The largest of these areas are U.S. Department of Defense lands (Camp Bullis Military Training Reservation and Fort Cavazos, formerly Fort Hood), Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, and the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (City of Austin and Travis County).
Six conservation banks have been available for golden-cheeked warbler research and projects, and three remain active: Bandera Corridor Conservation Bank, Camp Wood Conservation Bank and Festina Lente Conservation Bank. Conservation banks are permanently protected lands that contain natural resource values and function to offset adverse impacts to ESA-listed species that occur or occurred elsewhere, sometimes referred to as off-site mitigation. If all credits are sold, they would permanently preserve approximately 14,786 acres of golden-cheeked warbler habitat.
Since 2003, the Alliance for Conservation of Mesoamerican Pine-Oak Forests (which includes six countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and the United States) has focused on conservation of the golden-cheeked warbler’s winter habitat. Additionally, high-priority habitat sites for the golden-cheeked warbler in Mexico and Central America are protected, and the species continues to benefit from the Service’s Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Grant Program. You can find out more about how the Service is working with international partners on conservation efforts for the bird.
Why does the Service conduct five-year status reviews?
As required by law, the Service regularly reviews the status of all listed species under the ESA. A five-year status review is an assessment of the best available scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review for the purposes of determining whether their current ESA listing status is still appropriate. These reviews help ensure the Service is using the best available science in our conservation work, and that the level of ESA listing is appropriate.
In addition, information gathered during a review can assist in making funding decisions, considerations related to reclassifying species status, conducting interagency consultations, making permitting decisions, and determining whether to update recovery plans and other actions under the ESA.
Did the recent court opinion of the golden-cheeked warbler’s 90- day finding affect this status review?
These two actions are not related. The five-year review is a separate action and is part of routine review of federally listed species.
The Service previously published two “not-substantial” 90-day findings that were challenged in court. A not substantial 90-day finding means there was not enough information submitted in the petition to suggest that the species should be delisted.
On Sept. 9, 2024, a U.S. District Court’s opinion caused the Service to reevaluate the information found within the 90-day petition. Given the litigation history and the court’s opinion that the Service did not apply the correct standard when evaluating the petition, we are currently reevaluating the information found within the petition and will publish a new 90-day finding in a separate notice expected in early 2025.