Established in 1943 for the protection of migratory birds, Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is positioned along an east-west and north-south juncture of two major migratory routes for many species of birds. It is also at the northern-most point for many species whose range extends south into Central and South America. The refuge is right in the middle of all this biological diversity, which is what makes this 2,088-acre parcel the ‘jewel of the National Wildlife Refuge System.’ Though small in size, Santa Ana offers visitors an opportunity to see birds, butterflies and many other species not found anywhere else in the United States beyond deep South Texas.
sanwr Closure map
Closures and Outages

Due to construction, Wildlife Road and Bike Lane are closed for biking and hiking. 
The rest of the trails are open to hiking only.

Visit Us

Seven days a week from sunrise to sunset, you can enjoy Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge's many trails. Enjoy wildlife-related activities, including wildlife watching, hiking, biking, and photography. Feel free to pack your lunch and enjoy it while sitting in one of our picnic areas in front of the pond located in the Malachite trail, next to the visitor center or near the Observation Tower trail.  

Location and Contact Information

    A bicycle parked on the side of a paved trail
    Pay your entrance fee in advance on

    Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge makes it easy for you to pay your entrance fee (or buy an annual pass) before you visit, using

    Daily passes are $5 per vehicle and yearly passes are $10 per vehicle.

    Our Species

    Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is home to resident species like green jays, chachalacas and great kiskadees, making it one of the top birding destinations in the world. Some of the rarest raptors at the refuge are the hook-billed kite and gray hawk. Spring warblers are abundant with more than 35 species seen, including golden-winged warbler, magnolia warbler, northern and tropical parula, American redstart, palm warbler and yellow-breasted chat. Zebra longwings, Julias, and Mexican bluewings are but a few of the more than 300 butterfly species can also be found on the refuge.

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    Santa Ana Environmental Education

    Get ready to explore the beauty of nature right at your doorstep!(Pe-K-12th grade) Contact Urban Park Ranger Thamara Flores at for personalized environmental education programs. Our field trips and outdoor adventures are perfect...

    Santa Ana NWR Rules & Map