Tijuana Slough is a 1,072-acre wetland located where the Tijuana River meets the sea. The refuge was established in 1980 and is part of the 2,800-acre Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR), one of only 30 such reserves in the United States.
Now Available for Review

Record of Decision for the Tijuana Estuary Tidal Restoration Program II Phase I Final Environmental Impact Statement.

Visit Us

Early morning fog rises as the sun begins to shine through.
Old wood pilings on the left used to hold a sewage pipe. Sewage was pumped to former holding ponds that are now the habitats east of North McCoy trail. | Image Details

Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge is 1,072 acres in size and is located where the Tijuana River meets the Pacific Ocean, also called the Tijuana Estuary. Be sure to spend some time out discovering the trails to take in the incredible views and birds that soar across the estuary.

Location and Contact Information


    About Us

    Tijuana Slough is a 1,072-acre wetland located where the Tijuana River meets the sea. The refuge was established in 1980 and is part of the 2,800-acre Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve (TRNERR), one of only 28 such reserves in the United States.

    What We Do

    The purposes of Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge are to conserve fish, wildlife, and plants which are listed as endangered species or threatened species. Conservation of the endangered light-footed Ridgway’s rail was the primary impetus for the establishment of this Refuge.

    Our Species

    Bird populations have been an important factor in the special protective status attributed to the Tijuana Estuary. Over 370 bird species are reported for the area. Five federally listed threatened or endangered birds occur regularly in the Reserve: the light-footed Ridgway’s rail, the California least tern, least Bell's vireo, the California gnatcatcher, and the western snowy plover. 

    Projects and Research

    40 Years of Restoration

    This report summarizes lessons learned in restoration to help inform future management efforts at the Tijuana Estuary.