Announcing Prospectus and Request for Proposals for Big Game Guiding Special Use Permits

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's NWRS offers special use permits for Big Game Guides to provide commercial guiding services on National Wildlife Refuge lands within the Alaska Region. Special use permits will be awarded for big game guiding services through a competitive selection process. For more information visit: Announcing Prospectus and Request for Proposals for Big Game Guiding Special Use Permits

The Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge stretches from the spectacular volcanic islands of the Aleutian chain to the Inside Passage, and north to the Chukchi Sea, providing essential habitat for marine mammals and some 40 million seabirds, representing more than 30 species.
Smiling woman wearing blue SCA uniform leads family on a guided walk.
Visitor Center Calendar of Events

Check out our calendar of events for daily guided ranger programs (summer only), family programs (year-round) and our hours of operation. 

Location and Contact Information

  • Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center and Headquarters
    Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge 95 Sterling Highway, Suite 1 Homer, AK 99603-7472
    View Details
  • Aleutian Islands WWII National Monument
  • Adak Office
    Alaska Maritime NWR/Aleutian Islands Unit 146B Finger Bay Rd Adak, AK 99546
    View Details

    About Us

    Small black and white bird with orange bill perches on gray and green cliff.
    Least auklet perches on a cliff on St. Paul Island in the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. | Image Details

    Much of the refuge has been protected as a national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
    A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service  for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.

    Learn more about national wildlife refuge
    for over a century, and we recognize that refuge lands are the ancestral homelands of Alaska Native people. Development of sophisticated tools and the abundance of coastal and marine wildlife have made it possible for people to thrive here for thousands of years. Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge stretches across the traditional homelands of the Unangax̂/Aleut in the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands, as well as smaller parcels on the homelands of Alutiiq/Sugpiak, Yup’ik/Cup’ik, Iñupiat, Dena'ina, Tlingit, Haida, and Eyak peoples. 

    Most of the refuge is federally designated Wilderness

    What We Do

    Man in USFWS uniform assists woman gathering grass. A ship is in the bay behind them.
    Captain John Faris assists Unangax elder Helen Ford as she gathers grass for weaving on Attu Island. | Image Details

    We conserve, protect, and restore the diverse lands, waters, wildlife, and cultural resources of the refuge through excellence in education, outreach, and a program of scientific research on marine resources. Our vision is a viable, abundant, and resilient community of marine life which scientists, indigenous communities, and the public are actively engaged in conservation.

    Our Organization

    A bright blue sky obstructed by fluffy white clouds reflected off of a stream shot from inside a kayak
    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages an unparalleled network of public lands and waters called the National Wildlife Refuge System. With more than 570 refuges spanning the country, this system protects iconic species and provides some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities on Earth.

    Our Species


    The islands and coastal lands of the Alaska Maritime Refuge are bird magnets for seabirds whose only other home is the ocean; for birds migrating along Asian routes and needing to rest and eat; for birds that evolved on these remote islands and breed nowhere else.


    The abundance of seabirds and marine mammals that breed and raise their young on the lands of the Alaska Maritime Refuge is due to the banquet of marine foods in surrounding waters.


    On the mainland areas of the refuge, the native mammals are similar to those of nearby areas. On islands, however, native land mammals are either absent or sometimes unique because they have been isolated in their development since the Ice Age. Marine mammals use these coastal lands to breed, raise their young, and rest.


    From the windswept and treeless Aleutian and Pribilof Islands to the lush forests of southeast Alaska, remote island habitats are home to unique plant species, including the endangered Aleutian Shield Fern.

    Our Library

    a line drawing of a sea otter holding her pup
    Download these digital coloring pages created by Alaskan artists to learn more about wildlife and conservation, while creating works of art.
    common murres stand together on a cliff ledge
    Experience the dramatic world of common murres through this collection of photographs from monitoring sites across Alaska's rugged coastline. These striking black and white seabirds, sometimes called "penguins of the north," can be seen nesting in dense colonies on steep cliffs and offshore islands...

    Get Involved

    So much of our work depends on volunteers, Friends, and partnerships.

    Projects and Research

    We study marine birds, watching for changes in the marine environment that signal conservation problems. Our monitoring program provides long-term, time-series data. When the data reveal biologically-significant changes, scientists can test hypotheses about the causes of those changes. This long-term monitoring program is an integral part of the management of the Alaska Maritime Refuge. The information it provides is used to define "normal" variability in demographic parameters and identify patterns that fall outside norms, thereby signaling conservation issues. The Research Vessel Tiĝlax̂is key to accomplishing our mission.