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Know Before You Go
There are no amenities located at this national wildlife refuge national wildlife refuge
A national wildlife refuge is typically a contiguous area of land and water managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of fish, wildlife and plant resources and their habitats for the benefit of present and future generations of Americans.
Learn more about national wildlife refuge . Only the beach section of the refuge is opened to the public. The back dune area is closed to all entry.
Points of Interest
- Open sunrise to sunset
- Amagansett National Wildlife Refuge graces the shore of the Atlantic Ocean on Long Island’s south fork in the town of East Hampton. This 36-acre former lifeboat station was acquired in 1968. The protection and management of fragile shore habitat and wildlife give Amagansett special significance. This beach section of the refuge is opened to the public.
- Walk the beach looking for seaside animals such as shorebirds and seals.
- Photograph birds including roseate terns and piping plovers.
Fishing is allowed from the shoreline. A free New York state salt water fishing license is required. Common fish species include striped bass (striper), weakfish, summer flounder (fluke), bluefish and blackfish (tautog).
Wildlife Viewing
The coastal location of this refuge makes it a prime stopover for migrating raptors, shorebirds and songbirds. The federally protected roseate tern and piping plover use Amagansett for resting, feeding, and nesting.
Although piping plovers tend to be very skittish and elusive, the patient photographer can be rewarded with lasting images!
Visitors can enjoy a walk on the beach to observe and photograph fish, wildlife, and migratory birds.
Other Facilities in the Complex
The Long Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex consists of seven national wildlife refuges, two refuge sub-units and one wildlife management area wildlife management area
For practical purposes, a wildlife management area is synonymous with a national wildlife refuge or a game preserve. There are nine wildlife management areas and one game preserve in the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Learn more about wildlife management area . Collectively, the ten units are approximately 6,500 acres in size. Each unit is unique and provides a wildlife oasis amongst Long Island’s urban settings essential for the livelihood of migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, fish and other wildlife. The strategic location of Long Island in the Long Island Pine Barrens & along the Atlantic Flyway make it an important nesting, wintering and migratory stop over area for hundreds of species of birds.
Rules and Policies
Everything on the refuge is either a home or food for wildlife, so during your visit help protect wildlife by respecting the following regulations:
- Keep dogs and bikes off of refuges, their presence disturbs wildlife and poses a safety risk to other visitors;
- Use official trails only;
- Take only pictures, leave only footprints;
- Respect refuge boundary signs, closed areas and private property; and
- Pack your garbage out with you.