Located near Pingree, North Dakota, Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge protects large areas of mixed-grass prairie habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds, sharp-tailed grouse, white-tailed deer, dozens of species of butterflies, and many other forms of wildlife. Much of the Refuge is grassland hills and prairie, but the James River transects the area, forming a series of lakes.
Status of the Auto Tour Route

The auto tour route will be closed during Youth Deer Season September 13 through September 22, 2024. The route will reopen September 23rd.

The auto tour route will be closed November 8, 2024 for for the Rifle Deer Season and remain closed until conditions allow for reopening spring of 2025.

Visit Us

Visitors enjoy a variety of recreational opportunities at Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge. Wildlife observation and more specifically birding is one of the most popular activities at Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge with more than 250 species of birds recorded over time. Whether you prefer exploring on foot or by vehicle we have a birding opportunity for you. Other outdoor activities at the Refuge include nature photography, hunting and fishing. 

Location and Contact Information


    About Us

    Located 30 miles north of Jamestown, North Dakota, and spanning 14-miles of the James River Valley, Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge protects nearly 16,000 acres of prairie grassland and wetland habitats. From snowmelt in the spring to freeze-up each fall, the Refuge provides valuable nesting and feeding habitat for a variety of waterfowl species. As the James River meanders its way across the prairie, it passes through four main water bodies—Arrowwood Lake, Mud Lake, Jim Lake, and Depuy Marsh. 

    What We Do

    Refuge staff manage upland and wetland habitat to benefit resident and migratory species, as well as federal and state-listed threatened and endangered species. Prairie habitats are often managed through a prescribed application of grazing and fire that favor development of robust and divers native grass stands favorable to waterfowl and upland bird nesting. Arrowwood plant and animal communities are continually being studied. Research and monitoring projects are carefully designed to provide baseline data, monitor trends in populations, and measure management effectiveness. Through partnerships and community involvement we are committed to working with others to balance the needs of both wildlife and people. 

    Our Species

    Numerous species of waterfowl and shorebirds can be observed in great numbers at the Refuge during peak spring and fall migration. Summer months also provide excellent viewing opportunities of local breeding birds and other wildlife.