Seasons of Wildlife


In late March the weather warms up and splashes of color begin to appear across the desert landscape. Ash Meadows is one of the few locations in the desert that has flowers blooming throughout the year and not just in the spring. Although we can't compete with the flower display in Death Valley after an unusually wet winter, our flowers are beautiful and unique.  

In the spring the birds begin to migrate to the north. The refuge becomes host for these weary travelers and for the birders who flock to see them.  

Lizards become more active and easily noticed as they scurry along the boardwalks. The pupfish males, especially in Kings Pool, become even more blue which helps attract a mate. 


It is lush and green in the summer but remember: It's HOT!  Be prepared. Temperatures can be over 120° (F) and beginning mid-day animals like this Zebra tailed lizard seek shade. The coolest time of the day is early mornings and don't be fooled thinking it cools off toward evening. The hottest time of the day is 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.


Fall colors in the desert? It's true. Ash Meadows name sake, the leather-leaf ash can put on a spectacular display of orange and gold especially around Crystal Reservoir. Fall is a good time to visit the refuge, the weather is nice, the refuge is still green and our feathered friends have stopped for a rest on their way south for the winter. Wildlife abounds and you may see a herd of desert bighorn sheep or a bobcat.


During the winter months the refuge can appear to be a desolate place. The trees are bare, the grasses are brown and most of the animals are still in their winter sleep. But winter is an opportunity to see a different side of the refuge. The pupfish still frolic in brilliant Caribbean blue waters and on cold winter mornings the steam rising from the warm springs gives the refuge a mystical feel.  

Featured Species

One yellow-brown water beetle
Ash Meadows Naucorid | Image Details
Endemic Species of Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
Common NameScientific NameStatus
Ash Meadows Blazing StarMentzelia leuciphyllaThreatened
Amargosa NiterwortNitrophila mohavensisEndangered
Ash Meadows Milk-vetchAstragalus phoenixThreatened
Ash Meadows sunrayEnceliopsis nudicaulis corrugataThreatened
Ash Meadows gumplantGrindelia fraxinopratensisThreatened
Ash Meadows ivesiaIvesia kingii var. eremicaThreatened
Ash Meadows lady's tressesSpiranthes infernalis
Tecopa birdsbeakCordylanthus tecopensis
Spring-loving centuaryZeltnera namophilaThreatened
Ash Meadows naucoridAmbrysus amargosusThreatened
Warm Springs naucoridAmbrysus relictus
Devils Hole warm spring riffle beetleStenelmis calida calida
Ash Meadows pebble snailPyrgulopsis erythropoma
Crystal springs snailPyrgulopsis crystalis
Distal-gland springsnailPyrgulopsis nanus
Elongate gland springsnailPyrgulopsis isolatus
Fairbanks Spring snailPyrgulopsis fairbanksinsis
Longstreet Spring snailPyrgulopsis spp.Extinct
Median-gland Nevada spring snailPyrgulopsis pisteri
Amargosa tryoniaTryonia variegata
Minute tryoniaTryonia erica
Point of Rocks tryoniaTryonia elata
Sportinggoods tryoniaTruonia angulata
Devils Hole pupfishCyprinodon diabolisEndangered
Warm Springs pupfishCyprinodon nevadensis pectoralisEndangered
Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfishCyprinodon nevadensis mionectesEndangered
Ash Meadows speckled daceRhinichthys osculus nevadensisEndangered
Ash Meadows killifishEmpetrichthys merriamiExtinct
Ash Meadows montane voleMicrotus montamus nevadensisExtirpated