Refuge is closed to public access, with the exception of hunting.

Access to Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge is limited because it is made up of three separated sections of land that are surrounded by non-federal lands. The Refuge is not signed or fenced. Because of possible trespass issues, the Refuge is closed to public access, with the exception of hunters during the designated hunting season.


Bamforth is open to hunting but no other uses are currently allowed.

Other Facilities in the Complex

Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge is managed as part of the Central Sage Steppe Conservation Complex. A Conservation Complex is a group of two or more refuges, wildlife management areas, wetland management districts, or conservation areas that are primarily managed from a central office location. Refuges are grouped into a complex because they occur in a similar region, such as a watershed or specific habitat type, and have a related purpose and management needs. Typically, a project leader oversees the management of the refuges within the complex and refuge managers are responsible for operations at specific refuges. Support staff: administrative, law enforcement, refuge manager, biological, fire, visitor services, and maintenance, are centrally located and help with all refuges within the complex.

Other refuges in the Central Sage Steppe Conservation Complex include:  Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge (Walden, Colorado); Pathfinder National Wildlife Refuge (Alcova, Wyoming); Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge, Mortenson Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and the Wyoming Toad Conservation Area (Laramie, Wyoming); as well as Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (Green River, Wyoming), Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge (Cokeville, Wyoming), and Wyoming's portion of the Bear River Watershed Conservation Area. Administrative headquarters for Arapaho, Pathfinder, and the Laramie Plains refuges is located at Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge, in Walden, CO phone number 970-732-8202, while administrative headquarters for the southwestern Wyoming refuges is located at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge, 37 miles north of Green River on Hwy 372 - 246 Seedskadee Road, PO Box 700, Green River, WY 82935; phone number 307-875-2187. 

Rules and Policies

Visiting Hours: The refuge is open daily from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1/2 hour after sunset, unless you are participating in a hunt, then 1 hour before sunrise to 1 hour after sunset are allowed.

Access and Parking: Motor vehicles are not permitted on the refuge. Overnight RV parking is prohibited. 

ATVs/UTVs/ORVs/motorcycles and Snowmobiles: ATVs and snowmobiles are not allowed on the refuge.

Hunting and Fishing: Only hunting is allowed on the refuge per state seasons and regulations for elk, mule deer, pronghorn, white-tailed deer, chukar partridge, gray partridge, pheasant, rabbit, sharp-tailed grouse, and turkey. Non-toxic shot is required for all hunting with a shotgun, except turkey. Hunting access is walk-in only. Fishing is not allowed.

Hiking: Hiking and walking are only allowed if participating in a hunt for one of the species listed above.

Boating: Not permitted on the refuge.

Bicycling: Bicycling is not permitted on the refuge.

Camping: Camping is prohibited, all visitors must leave the refuge at the end of each day. Overnight parking on the refuge is also prohibited.

Horseback Riding: Horseback riding is prohibited on the refuge, except when employed by participants of the grazing management program to accomplish their work.

Fires: No fires of any type are permitted within the refuge.

Littering: Littering is not allowed. Please carry out all trash from the refuge.

Picnicking: There are no public picnic facilities located on the refuge.

Firearms: Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuge System lands must comply with all provisions of State and local law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32). Discharge of a firearm for any reason other than the legal taking of game animals is prohibited.

Pets: All pets must be leashed, with the exception of hunting dogs used during the appropriate hunting seasons.

Disturbance of Animal or Plant Life: Molesting, injuring, disturbing, or destroying any animal or plant, except properly taken fish or game in season, is prohibited.

Disturbance of Artifacts and Historic Items: Artifacts and historic items are protected on refuge lands by Federal law. It is unlawful to search for or remove these objects from refuge lands.

Shed Antler Hunting: Shed antler hunting is not permitted on any portion of the refuge.

Personal Conduct: Disorderly conduct is forbidden at all times. Anyone who is obviously intoxicated will not be allowed to remain on the refuge. 

If you have any questions about rules and regulations or law enforcement, please feel free to stop by headquarters, call staff at 970-723-8202 or email: arapaho@fws.gov.


Bamforth National Wildlife Refuge
C/O Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge953 Jackson County Road 32Walden,CO80480-9700
Driving Directions

Park on Wyoming state highway 12 and walk in to access the refuge and state land.  The furthest north parcel does not currently have public access.

Refuge Hours
During Hunting Season
One hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset