Facility Rules and Policies
To protect the public and natural resources the following activities are prohibited on Bayou Teche National Wildlife Refuge:
- Motorized watercraft in the Franklin Unit Canals -- Hanson, Wood Duck, Black Bear and Alligator canals -- from September 1 through April 15
- Feeding, enticing, or disturbing bears, alligators, or any other wildlife
- Target shooting, camping, campfires
- Parking or hunting within 150 feet of any active oil well site, production facility, or equipment
- Possession or use of toxic lead shot while hunting on the refuge, except for deer hunting
- Taking, collecting, or injuring wildlife or plants
- Commercial hunting or fishing of any kind
- Motorized vehicles off public roads, designated trails, and parking areas
- Use of airboats
- Horseback riding and ATVs
- Use of drones.
Non-emergency complaints of violation on refuge lands should be reported to refuge law enforcement (985) 882-2041.
To report general wildlife violations in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Operation Game Thief Hotline: 800-442-2511.