Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1978 to protect a vital night roost site for wintering bald eagles. The refuge consists of 4,200 acres, primarily of old growth ponderosa pine, incense cedar, white and Douglas fir.

Visit Us

Bear Valley Refuge is closed to all public entry except for walk-in deer hunting before November 1st. However, Bald Eagles can be viewed at nearby Tule Lake, and Lower Klamath refuges during the winter months.

We encourage you to start your visit at the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. There are a variety of exhibits, displays, brochures and wildlife-oriented programs. Refuge staff and volunteers are available to answer questions and help plan activities. Inquire at the information desk for further details. The Refuge Visitor Center and headquarters, is located at 4064 Hill Road, Tulelake, CA 96134 and can be reached by calling (530) 667-2231

Location and Contact Information

  • Bear Valley National Wildlife Refuge
    C/O Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge Complex 4009 Hill Road Tulelake, CA 96134-9715
    View Details

    About Us

    Bear Valley is one of the most heavily used bald eagle wintering sites in the lower 48 states. Wintering eagles are attracted to the area by the large populations of waterfowl that stage nearby on Lower Klamath and Tule Lake National wildlife Refuges. Bear Valley is one of the few areas in the Klamath Basin that contains suitable roost trees which are in close proximity to food sources.  


    Bear Valley Refuge is closed to all public entry except for walk-in deer hunting before November 1st. However, Bald Eagles can be viewed at nearby Tule Lake, and Lower Klamath refuges during the winter months.