Ways to Get Involved
Black Bayou Lake NWR has an active volunteer program for both traveling volunteers and local residents and students. Please contact the Refuge at blackbayoulake@fws.gov for more information.
A variety of volunteer opportunities are available on the Refuge from animal caretaking in the Conservation Learning Center to assisting with environmental education programs to gardening. Availability depends on staffing capabilities so please send any inquiries to blackbayoulake@fws.gov.
Our Partners
The Friends of Black Bayou (FoBB) is the volunteer support group for the refuge. FoBB came into existence in August 1997, shortly after the refuge was established. A core group of dedicated supporters dreamed big and fundraised and coordinated the restoration of the plantation house that serves as the Refuge Visitor Center. Every year they sponsor a Fall Celebration during National Refuge Week with free activities, food, exhibitors, and lots of fun. They sponsor an annual Photo Contest every fall and photos are displayed year round in the Visitor Center. For more information please see their webpage at www.friendsofblackbayou.org or join their group on Facebook.