The judging of the Maryland entries to the 2025 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Contest took place on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge.

The results of the 2025 contest are posted below.

Best of Show

Congratulations to Sophie Xu, whose oil rendering of a pair of harlequin drakes entitled "Inner Peace" was chosen Best-of-Show from year's Maryland entries in the Junior Duck Stamp Design Contest!

Maryland's Best-of-Show entry will compete with other Best-of-Show winners from around the United States at the Junior Duck Stamp national competition.

Design Contest

There were 123 Maryland entries for the 2025 Design Contest, and the results can be found in the PDF file below. Congratulations to all our winning artists! 

Conservation Message/Slogan

As part of the Junior Duck Stamp Design Contest, students are also encouraged to create their own "Conservation Message" slogan. The 2025 "Conservation Message" winners can be found below. The Best-of-Show conservation message was chosen by popular vote as part of the "Young Artist Award" contest.

Young Artist Award

Non-placing entries in the Design Contest are eligible for the "Young Artist Award".  The winners of this award are determined by popular vote by visitors to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. Winners are the top 10 vote recipients from each age group (or half the number of entries if there are less than 19 entries in an age group). The 2025 "Young Artist Award" winners can be found below.

Note to artists, parents and teachers: we sometimes misspell the names or other information of our artists because of human error, or because we had a hard time reading handwriting. If we have made an error in the spelling of a name, please email Ranger Thomas Miller and it will be corrected!

Artwork on Display

The first, second, and third place artwork from the 2024 contest can currently be seen at the Blackwater NWR Visitor Center. We hope to have the winning artwork from the 2025 contest on display by mid-March, 2025.

About the Junior Duck Stamp Program in Maryland

Hundreds of Maryland students participate each year in the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program. Introducing the Junior Duck Stamp curriculum into the classroom teaches students about waterfowl, wetland ecology, and wildlife conservation while meeting national education outcomes for science, English, and art. The students are then encouraged to research a waterfowl species and depict it in an artistic media. Entries from Maryland students in grades K-12 from public, private, and home schools, are submitted each year to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).  

The four grade categories are K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. Artwork is judged in its category by a panel of local wildlife and art experts. Each grade category receives 3 first place, 3 second place, 3 third place, and 16 honorable mentions. The Best of Show for Maryland is chosen from the first place winners. Maryland's Best of Show is sent to compete at the national level, which is typically held in April. The winning entry in the federal competition is made into the Federal Junior Duck Stamp. Each entrant receives a certificate of participation or placement. Maryland's winners are awarded ribbons and modest prizes at an awards ceremony typically held at the National Wildlife Visitor Center. The Best of Show, First, Second, and Third Place winning artwork will be on display at various locations in Maryland through February.

To find out more about this national program, visit the Federal Junior Duck Stamp page.  This site includes an overview of the program, images of winning art, hints for teachers, and links to fact sheets, contest rules, and entry forms. Use this link to go directly to the contest information page.

To purchase Federal Junior Duck Stamps call the AMPLEX Corporation at (800) 852-4897, or pick one up at a participating USFWS location. Visit the Federal Duck Stamp website to find out how this pioneering program has saved thousands of acres of waterfowl habitat, as well as created one of the premier wildlife art contests in the country!

Please note this information for 2026:

Entries in the Maryland contest must be postmarked by February 1, 2026.
Entries must be sent to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge at the following address: 
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, 2145 Key Wallace Drive, Cambridge, MD, 21613, Attn: Junior Duck Stamp Contest

If you have questions about the Junior Duck Stamp program in Maryland, please contact Ranger Thomas Miller by email or call 443-737-7803 (note: new phone number).

2025 Maryland Junior Duck Stamp Design Contest Winners

Table of the placing Maryland entries in the 2025 Federal Junior Duck Stamp design contest.

2025 Maryland Junior Duck Stamp Conservation Message Winners

Table of placing Maryland entries in the "Conservation Message" portion of the 2025 Federal Junior Duck Stamp contest.

2025 Maryland Junior Duck Stamp "Young Artist Award" Winners

Non-placing entries in the Design Contest are eligible for the "Young Artist Award".  The winners of this award are determined by popular vote by visitors to the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. Winners are the top 10 vote recipients from each age group (or half the...