A group of school-age kids walking along a path in a dry environment


Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge currently has four land trails: the Marsh Edge Trail, the Woods Trail, the Key Wallace Trail, and the Tubman Road Trail.

Please see the Trails Page for detailed descriptions of our trails.

Note: Downloadable PDF maps of the refuge trails can be found on our Library Page. These maps may be used in conjunction with the Avenza Maps smartphone app to help you navigate the trails. Avenza instructions can also be found on the Library Page.

Trails are open daily, dawn to dusk. The Marsh Edge Trail is closed from mid-winter through mid-summer to limit disturbance to nesting eagles and herons. During the fall hunting season, the Key Wallace Trail and Tubman Road Trail may be closed periodically for deer management.

Update 12/28/2024: The Marsh Edge Trail and its parking lot is currently CLOSED TO ALL ENTRY because of bald eagle nesting activity.

Tips for those using the trails: From April to October, poison ivy is common along the trails. Although the young leaf buds and white berries are valuable food for birds, rabbits, and deer, the plant’s oils can cause a red, itchy rash in humans. Remember the saying, “leaves of three, let it be.” Biting insects are present from mid-April through late September. Protective clothing and insect repellent are recommended. Also, the three unpaved trails can get soggy in wet weather, so visitors should wear appropriate footwear if it has been raining.

Please remember that pets are not permitted on trails, even if on a leash.  Pets must remain in vehicles while on the Wildlife Drive.

Related Documents
Blackwater NWR Marsh Edge Trail Guide

A self-guided tour highlighting points of interest on the Marsh Edge Trail.

Blackwater NWR Wildlife Drive Guide

A self-guided tour highlighting points of interest on Blackwater's Wildlife Drive.

Blackwater NWR Three Trail Avenza Map

Locator map for Key Wallace Trail, Marsh Edge Trail, and Woods Trail that may be used with the Avenza Maps smartphone app to pinpoint your location on the trails.

Blackwater NWR Tubman Road Trail Avenza Map

PDF map of Tubman Road Trail that can be used with the Avenza Maps smartphone app to pinpoint your locations on the trail.

Avenza App Instructions

Instructions for installing and using the Avenza Maps app on Apple and Android smartphones.,