Facility Activities

While most visitors are drawn to Bosque del Apache to observe wildlife being wildlife, a number of other activities may be of interest. From picnicking and fishing to hiking and photography, everyone can experience Bosque del Apache a little differently.

Open every day from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset (year-round), the Auto Tour Loop is approximately 12 miles long, bisected by a two-way road. Please observe one-way directional signs.

Drive carefully on gravel roads and stay on designated roads and turnouts.Pull over to...

The Low Flow Conveyance Channel East Service Road offers almost eleven miles of gravel roadway with little to no motor vehicle traffic and provides a relaxing bicycle ride with the opportunity to catch a glimpse of some of the more secretive wildlife that call the refuge home. Bicyclists should...

Located at the northern edge of the Chihuahuan Desert in the Central Flyway, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is home and rest stop for a large variety of wildlife species. From mammals and birds to reptiles and insects, wildlife observation can be an engaging way to explore this place...

From October 1 through March 31:Pets must be inside the vehicle at all times while on the Auto Tour Route.Pets are not allowed on any trails adjoining the Auto Tour Route (this includes: Marsh Overlook Trail, Boardwalk Trail/Sparrow Loop, John P. Taylor, Jr. Memorial Trail, Rio Viejo Trail,...

For self-guided and ranger-led environmental education programs, please review the Educational Visit Request form and reach out to BosqueDelApacheNWR@fws.gov to learn about what is necessary to book your field trip! 

Refuge fishing waters include a shallow 30-acre wetland spanned by a universally accessible boardwalk, the Elmendorf Canal (Interior Drain), Riverside Canal and the east side of the Low Flow Conveyance Channel. Fishing and frogging season is April 1-September 30. Available species include...

From quiet marshes to sweeping vistas, the twelve nature trails of Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge offer a variety of sights, sounds, and wildlife. The trails vary in accessibility and difficulty, but all provide opportunities to experience nature in solitude or with family and...

Along the banks of the Rio Grande lies Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, a rest stop, home and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife. Since 1939, hunters and wildlife enthusiasts from around the world have been drawn to this oasis in the Chihuahuan Desert that...

Painting and sketching in nature is possible at nearly all sites open to the public. Sometimes, sites host public displays of artworks created on the refuge.

Photography is a popular activity at Bosque del Apache - in any season! 

Most winter and spring wetland areas are viewed from the Tour Loop from either the east side or the west side - so time of day may play a role not only in wildlife activity, but your route choice! 


Bosque del Apache has a picnic pavilion near the visitor center that is open whenever the refuge is open. It cannot be reserved, but is a sheltered space with trash cans to enjoy an outdoor picnic! There are also picnic tables on various observation decks and trails on the Tour Loop. You may...

Join a ranger on Saturday afternoons in (or near) the Visitor Center for an owl pellet dissection activity. This drop-in activity is suitable for kids and adults. 

Saturday afternoons in March; 12:30-3:30pm

Many multi-purpose trails are open to runners and joggers as well as walkers and, in some cases, bicyclists. Some sites host annual fun runs. Check individual refuge websites for details.

While there is always something interesting to see, you will find the greatest numbers of birds at the refuge from early November to late January. In the spring and fall, migratory bird species are moving through the refuge, resulting in high numbers of species.

Winter (...