Among the many game species roaming the rippling grasslands of Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge is the javelina, a small-hoofed mammal that travels in large herds throughout the refuge. Javelina resemble pigs, but are not in the pig family. There are legendary stories of charging javelina, but they are actually secretive animals. For a hunter, they offer an interesting hunting experience on this refuge, where grasslands and native wildlife such as pronghorn and masked bobwhite are being restored. As with all refuge hunting, javelina hunts follow Arizona state regulations. This means that hunters can participate in the "HAM" (handgun-archery-muzzleloader) hunt, a popular choice among avid javelina hunters. Since javelina often can be stalked at close range, short-range weapons provide an exciting hunting experience. Scouting can help hunters pinpoint areas where large herds are roaming. A quiet approach will often put hunters in the midst of a dozen or more javelina that may be running in every direction. Hunters should be aware that there are feral hogs on the refuge, albeit in small numbers. These may be taken during javelina or any other hunting season without limit.