Laws and Regulations
For Public Use, hunting, and fishing specific regulations for Cache River NWR, please refer to our Cache River NWR Public Use Rules and Regulations Brochure.
Nighttime use of the refuge is limited to raccoon and opossum hunting (dogs required), fishing, and frogging, and the appropriate associated gear or tackle must be possessed.
Some Prohibited Activities Include:
- Recreational use of ATVs is not allowed. The use of ATVs is allowed only for hunting and is only allowed from September 1 to March 31.
- Use of firearms and possession or use of archery equipment and crossbows, except during refuge hunts that permit their use.
- Building fires.
- Littering, including but not limited to shotgun shell hulls and cigarette butts.
- Camping, including mooring houseboats to refuge property.
- Open containers of alcoholic beverages on refuge roads, ATV trails, parking areas, boat ramps, and observation towers.