A special use permit may be issued to allow overnight parking in a designated lot along Forest Road 80 in order to access the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area for backpacking/camping. Camping is not permitted on the Refuge. This includes sleeping in parked vehicles, in vehicles with camper tops or other recreational vehicles. Applicants for the overnight parking permit should contact the Refuge at least four days prior to their visit in order for this permit to be issued in a timely manner. There is a ten vehicle limit for this parking lot and permits are issued on a first come, first service basis. Permits may also be denied in the event there is significant snowfall on the road.

Please be prepared to provide full name; organization name (if applicable); mailing address, including city, state, and zip code; phone number; email address; vehicle make, model, and color; license tag number and state where tag is issued; expected number in party, including number of adults and children; and date(s) of visit.

For more information on overnight parking or to apply for a permit, email: canaanvalley@fws.gov or call (304) 866-3858, ext. 1629.

Click here to download the FR80 Overnight Parking Permit Application