With over 293 birds recorded on the refuge, it is no wonder that the refuge is known as a "hot spot" and called a birdwatcher's paradise. Birdwatching opportunities are excellent. Look for herons and egrets, hawks, the Bald eagle, Osprey, American oystercatcher and resident songbirds year-round. The Painted bunting, Summer tanager and other migrant neotropical songbirds, shorebirds and seabirds including Willet, Wilson's plover, Least tern and Black skimmer nest and raise young in the spring and summer. Sea scoters, and other waterfowl such as gadwall, wigeon, bufflehead, teal, arrive for the fall and winter months, and and Merlin and Peregrine falcons move through.
Two viewing platforms are excellent for birding. The Dave Clough platform overlooks the Upper Summerhouse Pond and is located off of the Turkey Walk Trail. The Jacks Creek tower overlooks Jacks Pond and is located off of Sheepshead Ridge Road.
Please be mindful of those areas closed during the nesting season to protect seabirds and shorebirds and, do not disturb the birds during this critical period for their survival. Always practice birding ethics when birdwatching.