The refuge is composed of 12 offshore islands that are accessible only by watercraft. The islands are surrounded by shallow water, mud flats and oyster bars. Saltwater species available include spotted seatrout, flounder, red and black drum, sharks, Spanish mackerel and tarpon. Fishing season is year-round except for the closure period for Snake Key’s beaches and a 100-yard water perimeter from March 1 through June 30 annually. Seahorse Key’s beaches and perimeter waters are conditionally open during March 1 through June 30.
In addition to the conservation of wildlife and habitat, Cedar Keys National Wildlife Refuge offers a wide variety of quality fishing opportunities. Fishing promotes understanding and appreciation of natural resources and their management on all lands and waters in the Refuge System. Shore fishing is allowed along all island beaches except for the closure period for Snake Key’s beaches and a 100-yard water perimeter from March 1 through June 30th annually. Seahorse Key’s beaches and perimeter waters are conditionally open during March 1 through June 30th.