Fishing season(s) and specific fishing regulations are in accordance with all state of Wyoming regulations concerning sport fishing (including bowfishing). The Bear River is open to fishing throughout Cokeville Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, as are all irrigation ditches and flooded wetlands. Note that U.S Fish and Wildlife Service fee-title-owned lands and waters at the refuge are intermixed with private lands. Permission is required from landowners to cross or fish from private lands in Wyoming. The boundaries of fee-titled-owned lands are marked with appropriate signs, so look for the boundary signs if in doubt. Refuge facilities are limited to designated parking areas. Access is walk-in and provided from designated and signed parking areas around the perimeter of the refuge. Vehicle travel is restricted to parking areas around the perimeter of the refuge. Flows in the Bear River fluctuate greatly, highest from fall through late spring, and lowest in the early to late summer when irrigation diversion occurs throughout the valley. It is not well suited for boats there are no launches; many hazards such as diversion dams and fences exist; flows vary greatly; and refuge lands and waters are intermingled with private land.