Hunting and Fishing General Regulations:
General Information
Gates opened to enter an area must be closed immediately after passing through.
Dogs must be leashed and/or under the direct control of a handler.
Hunters and anglers may enter the Refuge 1 hour before sunrise and must exit the Refuge by 1 hour after sunset. (Legal sunrise and sunset times can be found in the Wyoming Game and Fish Hunting Regulations.)
Motor vehicles are allowed only on designated roads and in designated parking areas. Hunters, anglers, and all visitors must park in a Designated Parking Areas as shown on the map or as identified by signs on the ground. Access to and exit from hunting areas is from designated hunter parking areas only.
Prohibited Activities
• Accessing the public hunting area from an area other than a designated hunter parking area.
• Dropping off or picking up hunters from anywhere other than a Designated Hunter Parking Area.
• Entering of closed areas to retrieve game unless authorized by Refuge staff or a State Game Warden.
• Use of electronic or photographic trail monitoring cameras or other devices.
• Collecting or removing artifacts, historic items, shed antlers, and other natural objects.
• Cutting of live or dead vegetation for blind construction, and the digging of blind pits.
• Permanent tree stands, nails, screw-in steps, or other items that penetrate the outer bark of a tree.
• Leaving tree stands and ground blinds overnight.
• The use of dogs for anything other than finding and retrieving legally harvested migratory and upland game birds.
• The use of dogs to chase red fox, raccoon, striped skunk, or any other species not specifically allowed.
• The use of riding or pack animals or game carts for anything other than game retrieval or hauling decoys.
• Possession or consumption of alcohol while hunting, or controlled substances.
• Open fires.
Persons possessing, transporting, or carrying firearms on National Wildlife Refuge System lands must comply with all provisions of State and local
law. Persons may only use (discharge) firearms in accordance with refuge regulations (50 CFR 27.42 and specific refuge regulations in 50 CFR Part 32).
Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs and activities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is available to all individuals regardless of physical or mental ability. For more information please contact the U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Equal Opportunity, https://www.doi.gov/pmb/eeo/public-civil-rights.
Hunting and Fishing Regulations
Hunting and fishing are permitted in accordance with Federal regulations governing public use on National Wildlife Refuges as set forth in Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Hunting and fishing are allowed on the Refuge in accordance with State regulations and the Refuge specific regulations in this brochure. Areas closed to migratory bird hunting or closed to all hunting are shown on the map. Signs are also posted on the Refuge to indicate areas that are either closed to all hunting or closed to migratory bird hunting.
Hunting is prohibited within 200 yards of buildings, state or county roads, and trails. Permission must be obtained from private landowners before attempting to retrieve game on adjacent private land.
Big Game Hunting
The Refuge is open to hunting big game in designated areas, following State regulations and Refuge-specific regulations. Permitted species include elk, moose, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, and white-tailed deer.
Upland Game Hunting
The Refuge is open to hunting upland game in designated areas following State regulations and Refuge-specifc regulations. Species include Blue grouse, chukar partridge, cottontail rabbit, gray partridge, raccoon, red fox, ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare, squirrels (red, gray, and fox), and striped skunk.
Migratory Bird Hunting
The Refuge is open to hunting migratory game birds following State regulations and Refuge-specific regulations. Species include dark geese, duck, light geese, mergansers, mourning dove, sandhill crane, sora rail, Virginia rail, and Wilson’s snipe.
The entire Refuge is open to fishing, in accordance with Wyoming Game and Fish Department regulations. Fishing includes all legal methods of hook and line fishing and bowfishing. Fishing locations include the main stem of the Bear River, and all irrigation ditches, laterals, and seasonally-flooded wetlands.