  • Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge
    10630 Road 181 Ellsworth, NE 69340-6801
  • The Refuge is open from sunrise to sunset.  

    Visitor access to the Refuge is via gravel and one lane paved roads. Two-tracked mowed trails provide access within Refuge boundaries. Visitors must maintain the posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour on gravel and pavement. 

    Driving Directions

    To enter from the south, go north from Oshkosh, NE on West Second Street for 28 miles. Follow Refuge signs along this route.

    From Alliance, NE, go east on State Highway 2 to about one quarter mile east of Antioch. Go south, following Refuge signs.

    From Ellsworth, go west on Highway 2 about 8 miles then go south, following Refuge signs.

    Plan to drive about an hour after leaving highways from the north or south.

    Please click here for general Refuge location.

    Crescent Lake Refuge Office
    Monday through Friday except for holidays
    8 am - 4:30 pm