We recognize that hunting is a healthy, traditional outdoor pastime, deeply rooted in America’s heritage. Hunting can instill a unique understanding and appreciation of wildlife, their behavior, and their habitat needs.
Limited desert bighorn sheep hunting is available by state-issued permit only. Hunting dove, chukar, and quail is permitted only within in the Sitting Dog Unit located in the northern part of the refuge during the state-designated hunt seasons. Please refer to the upland game bird hunting guide for more information. No other hunting is permitted on the refuge.
For more information, please see Nevada state hunting regulations.
Hunters should expect terrain to be rough and rugged. They should bring plenty of water and layers of clothes for fluctuating temperatures, and drive a well-maintained vehicle. While there are access roads in the refuge, the best sheep hunting is achieved by backpacking or horseback, making for a real adventure in a stunning wilderness setting.