Woman dressed warmly in camouflage and standing in marsh reeds aims a shotgun into the air


Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge has a long hunting tradition. Waterfowl hunting once dominated the area, and the refuge’s visitor center was originally a private hunting lodge. Today, the refuge serves as a resting area for ducks and geese, but hunters can still come to the refuge each fall to hunt white-tailed deer. Specific hunting days are designated annually by the refuge manager, including days for archery, muzzleloader and shotgun hunting. In addition, the refuge sets aside days for youth hunters and for hunters with permanent disabilities. A refuge permit is required, and can easily be obtained via the Recreation.gov website.

Hunting and Fishing Plan

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a final hunting and fishing plan for Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) Complex in Maryland, which includes Blackwater and Eastern Neck NWRs. A draft plan was issued, and during the 97-day public comment period, 24 comment letters were received. We are grateful to those who provided comments, which helped in developing the final plan.   

A summary of all substantive comments, and our responses, can be found in Appendix E (Finding of No Significant Impact). No significant changes have been made between the draft and final versions of the Hunting and Fishing Plan. As part of the new plan, Blackwater and Eastern Neck NWRs will propose a non-lead requirement, which will take effect on September 1, 2026. Other changes that are now in effect include the use of straight wall cartridges during shotgun hunts, the incidental take of coyotes, and an early teal season.  

The final plan can be viewed here.

Youth Turkey Hunt

In partnership with the National Wild Turkey Federation, the refuge hosts a mentored spring turkey hunt for a limited number of youth every April. Young people ages 12 to 16 (at the time of the hunt), who have not previously participated in this hunt, can apply. The application is free, and youth are chosen by a random draw.

The 2025 youth turkey hunt application period has closed. The drawing will be held on Monday, March 24.

If you have any questions, please email us at easternneck@fws.gov.

Deer Hunt

The 2024 Eastern Neck NWR Deer Hunt has ended. The 2024 deer hunt regulations can be found on the Library Page, but this document is for reference only, as dates and some regulations may change for the 2025 season.

2025 hunting dates and regulations will be posted to this website in June or July, and permits typically become available for purchase in early August. The exact date of availability will be posted here.

Please note that you MUST apply for a deer hunt permit via an online application system located at recreation.gov. Hunters apply directly on the website or by calling the recreation.gov customer service number, 877-444-6777. Once you access the website, you will need to create an account and search for "Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge Permits". Instructions on the website will guide you through the application process.

Application tips:

  • We recommend using a standard desktop or laptop computer when applying for hunts, as opposed to a smartphone.
  • Set up your Recreation.gov account before applying for hunts, and keep your information up to date.
  • Keep your Maryland DNR ID number handy while applying. We require this number on the application (NOT your hunting license number).

Hunters are required to possess an electronic or printed copy of a valid Maryland hunting license and all required stamps, an original valid government-issued photo identification (no copies or photos), and a valid hunting permit issued by Recreation.gov electronically or on their person at all times during refuge hunting and scouting days.

If you have any questions, please email us at easternneck@fws.gov .

Wayfinding Map for Smartphones

The Eastern Neck deer hunt map below is a georeferenced PDF file compatible with the AVENZA MAPS smartphone app. This free app uses your phone’s GPS to find your location, and works without a signal from your carrier. It is available for Apple and Android devices. Learn how to install the Avenza app here. After installing the app on your phone, download the Eastern Neck Deer Hunt Map below to use with the app while hunting on the refuge. Please note that any boundary markings you find on the ground trump boundary lines on the hunt unit map.

Related Documents
Eastern Neck NWR 2025 Youth Turkey Hunt Flyer

Information about the 2025 Youth Turkey Hunt at Eastern Neck NWR. Share with friends and family!

Eastern Neck NWR 2025 Youth Turkey Hunt Application Packet

For youth hunters ages 12 to 16 (on the day of the hunt). Please read, fill out, and return to easternneck@fws.gov by 3:00 pm EDT on Friday, March 21, 2025.

Eastern Neck NWR Deer Hunt Map

Deer hunt map for Eastern Neck NWR. This is a georeferenced PDF map compatible with the Avenza Maps smartphone app.

E-bike Statement

Eastern Neck NWR's policy on the use of e-bikes for hunting on the refuge.