The best way to reach us is by calling our refuge headquarters. Please keep in mind, headquarters is only open to visitors by appointment.
- (757) 331-2760 - Refuge Headquarters
Other General Contacts
Our staff does not rehabilitate wildlife nor can we respond to incidents off site. Instead, keep your distance from the animal and contact a local rehabilitation facility. The contact information for Wildlife ER - Education & Rehabilitation may change periodically, so check their Facebook page for the most up to date information.
The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Stranding Response Program is responsible for rendering aid to all marine mammals and sea turtles that come ashore in Virginia. Call the hotline directly for any strandings in the Sate of Virginia, even if they aren't on our refuge.
Location and Contact Information
- Visitor Center32205 Seaside Road Cape Charles, VA 23310
- Eastern Shore of Virginia NWR Headquarters5003 Hallet Circle Cape Charles, VA 23310-1128