How to Reach Us

For general inquiries send us an email or call our visitor center.

Visitor Information

Trails and the Wildlife Drive are open daily, sunrise to sunset. The Visitor Information Center is open Wednesday to Sunday, 10AM to 2PM. The Friends of Forsythe Gift Shop and pass sales are offered there. Entrance to Wildlife Drive is $4/car. Our Galloway location is located here: Forsythe HQ and Visitor Area in Galloway

Other General Contacts

Injured Wildlife

Our staff does not rehabilitate wildlife nor can we respond to incidents off site. Instead, keep your distance from the animal and contact a local rehabilitation facility. 

Please refer to the following list of permitted wildlife rehabilitators sorted by county, provided by the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife.

Marine Mammal or Sea Turtle Strandings

Contact the Marine Mammal Stranding Center (MMSC) based in Brigantine, New Jersey.  The Marine Mammal Stranding Center is the only organization in the State of New Jersey authorized to rescue and rehabilitate stranded marine mammals and sea turtles. They hold federal and state permits, which are required in order to work with these protected animals.  Our biologists work closely with this team as first responders to any marine mammal or sea turtle strandings that occur on our property. For such cases, you can call the hotline or us. Call the hotline directly for any strandings in the State of New Jersey that aren't on our refuge.

(24-hour Stranding Hotline)
Deer Displaying Symptoms of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)

Immediately report any deer displaying symptoms of CWD (accurately document the location of the animal, record GPS coordinates, if possible, take pictures if possible) either to Division of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Fish and Wildlife Health and Forensics at 908- 735-6398, a regional Division law enforcement office, a Division Deer Biologist. One of the most important ways of stopping the spread of CWD is early detection, so your reports of potentially sick deer are critically important to NJ’s disease monitoring efforts.

New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife Health & Forensics
Southern Region Law Enforcement Office
State Deer Biologist

Location and Contact Information
